22 || (Unedited) Ending

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Edited on --, 2022.

I'm so tired...

Chu Zhu Yu was so exhausted, she couldn't even open her eyes. She wanted to continue sleeping, but the pain prevents her from resting.

She felt like screaming because of the pain, but all she could do was groan.

She could vaguely hear her surroundings. She could hear Jue Quing speak about his misfortune and a little about what he wants to do. She wanted to hear him properly, but she couldn't.

Gradually, her pain disappeared. She  slowly regained her ability to hear her surroundings, however, she couldn't hear Jue Quing's voice anymore.

“Doctor, Lady Chu's eyelids moved!”

“Is she conscious?”

“Hurry and examine her, Doctor!”

Colliding voices resonated inside the room, the noise hurting her head.

“Ng…” she groaned, her lips chapped and dry. Chu Zhu Yu used all of her strength to open her eyes. She could see a beautiful wooden ceiling.

Those elegant wooden curves, this is... The General's residence! Shouldn’t she be in Cong Zhou right now?

“Why...am I here?”

"Lady Chu, thank goodness you woke up! You were sleeping for such a long time!" said one of the maids attending to her.

The doctor came and examined Chu Zhu Yu's pulse. Soon after, he wrote a prescription and handed it over to a maid, so that she can make the herbal medicine.

Chu Zhu Yu felt so weak that she needed to force herself to sit up from her bed.

“What happened to me? I feel so tired, how long have I slept?”

“I heard the doctor saying that Lady Chu has been poisoned. Lady Chu already received the antidote, but you still need to drink medicine for a faster recovery.”

“I was poisoned?”

When did someone poison her? She only remembered her nose bleeding after looking at Jue Qing.

“My Lady, you don't have to worry anymore now that you're awake.”

The maid thought that Chu Zhu Yu was worried about the poison not being fully purged from her bloodstream.

“...Where is the general?” She asked.

"The general has been inside the forbidden courtyard ever since Lady Chu was brought here. Other than Master Hui Wu, no one can get near that place."

“Forbidden courtyard?” Did the general's residence have that kind of place?

“Yes, a couple of days after the general came back to the residence, he forbid everyone from going to the inner courtyard garden.” The maid said.

What in the world happened? What was going on recently? Why is the courtyard suddenly forbidden from everyone? Why did Jue Qing not visit me?

She has too many questions to ask, but don’t know where to start!

After Chu Zhu Yu got a bit better, she stood in front of the forbidden place. She could only see a single gate, surrounded by huge walls. The gate was guarded by a soldier.

“Lady Chu, the general commanded me to forbid everyone from entering unless he allows it.” The soldier said as he stopped her.

“Am I also not allowed to enter?” She thought that if she came here, they will let her in.

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