t w e n t y - s i x

Start from the beginning

"No," he muttered. He was staring at some pictures of you and E now. These were in a box on their own. He crumpled one up unintentionally, from holding it too tight. "Fuck."

"You okay?" you asked quietly. He put the pictures down and moved over. "Gray?"

"Fine." You looked back at the journal, still where you'd shut it.

"Grayson, I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" he asked. You sighed, reaching up to rub his shoulder but he turned away. "I'm going upstairs," He muttered.

"Wait-- Gray--" He began to walk off. "We still have so many to look thr--"

"I don't want to." You sighed, crossing your arms.

"I was like, twelve, Grayson." He looked at you. "Grayson, what do you want me to do about it?"

"I don't know, y/n." You swallowed. "It's just nice to be reminded that the girl I married was more in love with my brother than she is with me." You closed your eyes.


"It's fine." You sighed, opening your eyes. He was red now, fists clenched. "It's just not fair."

"What's not fair, Gray-- how is that my fault?" You rolled out your wrists. "How is this not fair for you--"

"Y/N, don't you fucking get it?" You closed your eyes again. "I married the girl that just happens to be obsessed with my fucking twin."

"I'm not obsessed with him, Grayson!"

"You clearly were," he said, throwing his arm in the direction of your stupid journal.

"Grayson-- that was from years ago!" He stared at you. "Years ago, why don't you fucking get that?"

"You were in love with him up until a few years ago, weren't you?" You let out a frustrated sigh. "The only reason you had to stop was that you married me, right? The closest you could get to hi--"

"That wasn't even my fucking idea, you're the one who said we could go through with it!" you yelled. You pointed at him. "You're the one who would've had to say no, Grayson, you're the one--"

"I don't know, why couldn't you just like me instead?" he asked. Your shoulders dropped. "Why did you have to like him, wh--"

"I couldn't have just forced myself to like you, Gray!" you yelled. "I don't know why I didn't like you-- how would I have known!"

"Well, I'm forcing myself to love you now, aren't I?" You stepped back. He shut his eyes, squinting as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look--" He opened his eyes, but you'd already passed him and gone upstairs.


You sighed as you passed by the mess the kitchen counter had become. You'd seen Grayson start the fire up in the backyard about an hour ago from your window, and he was still there.

You pulled the door to the side and stepped out. Head in his hands, fingers gripping his hair, he was sitting there in front of it. Fire had always comforted Gray, and he'd had this little thing in the yard to remind him all of the nights he'd sit in front of the fireplace with his own dad. He'd hoped he'd have kids of his own to sit here with someday.

"Gray?" Grayson looked up at you. "It's supposed to ra--"

"I'm sorry." Your mouth fell shut. "I'm sorry I said that-- I shouldn't have said that," he whispered. You didn't say anything. "It wasn't your fault, you were just-- I'm sorry I yelled."


"No, no, you're gonna say that it's okay, and it's not, it's not okay, and I'm sorry." You looked down. He stood. "I promise I'm not forcing myself to love you, okay?" You looked up at him. "I do love you."

"Grayson." The fire was dimming out now, it'd been up for a while now anyway. Gray glanced at it before nearing you. He held open his arms and you walked into them. He hugged you.

"I'm sorry," He whispered into your hair. You wrapped your arms around him and he pulled away just enough so he could see you. You looked up at him and he gave you a small smile. You returned it and he pressed his lips to yours just as it began to drizzle.

He pulled away and looked up. "I was trying to tell you," you whispered. He chuckled and hugged you again, the fire extinguishing on its own.

You stood there for a moment and that's all it took for it to start raining hard. "Fuck," he mumbled, pulling his t-shirt away from his body, only for it to fall back into place and stick. You smiled.

"Let's go inside?" you asked. He nodded and took your hand back into the house. He wrapped his arms around himself, palms running over his biceps and you smiled, closing the back door behind you. "Now we're all wet," you sighed, pulling at your own shirt. He shrugged.

"Oh well, it's just water." You smiled and stood there for a moment.

"That's what I came down to tell you-- that it was gonna rain." He smiled.

"Too late." He stared at you some more and you looked up at him. He opened his arms again and you walked in. "I'm so sorry," He whispered, squeezing you.

"It's okay," you whispered back, looking up at him. "I forgive you." He kissed you on the head and pulled you back into his chest.

"Do you wanna look through those pictures some more?" he asked. "I'm sure there're some cuteass ones of us we haven't seen," he said. You smiled, arms around his waist tightening.

"Let's stay like this for a bit." 

wrong one//g.dWhere stories live. Discover now