"I'll go and have a look."

"Thank you! Um, can you just tell him that I'm finished? He'll know what it means."

A couple of moments later, she appears in the painting again, looking rather shocked.

"Merlin, what did your cryptic little message mean?"

"Why, what happened?"

"I've known that boy for almost eight years, and I've never seen him so happy." I've heard the expression 'my heart grew wings'. I never realised what it meant until now.

"Really?" I think I'm smiling too much. I don't really care.

"Paintings rarely lie. Of course, I've seen him laughing with his friends, but he's always seemed... anyway. Certainly, he is exceedingly happy now. He seemed to be in a rush to get to you; he should be out in-"

She's interrupted by the portrait being flung open, and sure enough Harry appears behind it, grinning from ear to ear. Almost immediately he wraps his arms around my waist, hauling me into his embrace as he laughs against my neck.

He's perfect.

I know.

"It's finished? Really?"


He kisses me hard on the lips, just the once, then smiles against my mouth, gripping my hips.

"Can we go see it?"

He's perfect.

I know.

We hurry hand in hand down to the Slytherin common room, ignoring the customary stares and whispers. At least no one trips me this time, not that they would dare with Harry there.

We enter the common room, and Pansy - fuck her, really - wolf whistles as we walk in.

"Shut it, Parkinson!" Harry says, not even sparing her a glance as he practically carries me up the stairs to my dorm. He hesitates before opening the door, turning to me and examining my expression. I guess maybe he expects me to be nervous or something. Maybe I should be. I'm about to reveal a huge part of me, something more private than I've ever shown anyone. And to do so to Harry, the person whose opinion of me I care about the most... yeah. Maybe I should be scared. But for some reason I just can't bring myself to be. Because I'm about to share my first nest with my dominant. That can't be anything but exciting.

When Harry sees only joy on my face, his own splits into another ear splitting grin. He slowly turns the handle, giving me time to stop him. I don't. He walks in.

The curtain around my bed isn't drawn, so the nest is immediately on display. Even in the few minutes I had spent away, I had almost forgot the feeling it gave me. Pure comfort, pure joy. This is where I belong. I felt it as soon as I finished, and looking at Harry, I dare to hope he feels it too.

He stands completely still, staring at the bed. His jade eyes are wide, jaw slack. His muscles relax around me, and he seems to melt against me, before suddenly gripping me tighter and spinning me around so I'm facing him.

"Draco, it... it's perfect." He sounds like I'm in a dream.

"Well, not... not perfect, I mean, it's not nearly as good as the one in our dreams, and it's not got everything I would want, and-"

"Draco." He kisses me again, softer this time, slowly. "Draco," he mumbles against my lips. "Can we..." he trails off, but I know what he means. Can we get in. I nod, and he pulls me gently towards the bed, letting me go and gesturing for me to climb in. I do so as carefully as possible, trying not to disturb anything.

I look up at Harry. He's leaning against the bedpost, eyes tracing the shape of me, of our nest. He's breathing heavily, and his heart beat is so loud I can hear it. Well, maybe that's mine. Maybe it's both of them.


"Yes, mate mine?"

"You want to come into our nest?" At those last two words, he seems to snap, practically tumbling into the pile of blankets and pillows. He pulls me towards him so I'm cuddled up against his chest and holds me tight, hurrying his face in my neck. I feel the tension leak out of him limbs as the relaxes into the nest, against me.

"You like it?" I whisper, scared that anything louder will disrupt the perfect.

"Sweetheart, I love it. More than love, I adore it. It's perfect."

Told you he'd like it!

"Mm, I'm glad."

"Godric, I could stay here forever. I want you in my arms forever."

"Then let's do it. Forever."

1318 words

Be My Wings {drarry}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें