5. Lady Tamayo

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"Listen up!" The udon shop owner scolded "It's not that you haven't paid me, but that you wasted my udon!" After the whole ordeal with Muzan, Nezuko returned to where she had left Tanjiro and was now feeling incredibly guilty. "You have to pay for that!"

"I'm sorry. Please give me another one!"

"Will you eat it?"


"Are you sure?"

Nezuko, just like a soldier, replied loudly. "Yes, I am!"

"Good! So will you!" The man said, pointing at Tanjiro. "Put down that tube if you want some of my udon! What is the tube for anyways!" Tanjiro was like a confused puppy, staring at the man clueless. "Chopsticks Use chopsticks!"

Nezuko scowled and took the man by the shoulder. "May I have the udon immediately? Two bowls for me please!"

"U-Uh sure."

Nezuko didn't have to wait long before 2 bowls of fresh udon were placed on the counter, she pounced on them like a demon seeing fresh prey and wasted no time gobbling both of them up in a flash. 'Ah, this is like heaven! I can finally eat some food. It's like heaven! Thank the gods.'

She sighed with relief once she drained the second bowl of its broth. "Thank you for the meal. That was delicious!" proclaimed Nezuko, clasping her hands together and bowing low to the udon owner.

"Glad you appreciated it! Come again soon!" He yelled as Nezuko took Tanjiro by hand to continue her investigation. This time, they wouldn't be so dizzy and drained with that energising meal. In fact it was enough to raise her spirits to almost cheerful despite the events of earlier.

"I'm sorry for leaving you there, Ni-chan," she said when Tanjiro abruptly pulled her back. "Huh? What is it?" He took a defensive stance and Nezuko's gut began to sense a suppressed sense of malice, though it was not from Tanjiro. His brows were furrowed glaring ahead of them with a low growl.

Under the streetlights, stood a man with white hair that faded to black. How had she not sensed him? He was a demon and yet how had she not recognised it? It was the same feeling from earlier; non-human but lacking the monstrosity of Muzan's demons.

"Uh... Are you waiting for me?" asked Nezuko, approaching him with caution.

"I've been instructed to take you there." He said plainly.

'There? Where was there?' She wondered but this man harbored enough irritation in his aura that it was enough to make Nezuko a bit uncomfortable. "Oh, don't worry. My gut will tell me which is the right way to go."

"It's a place that is cast with a Blindfolding spell. Do you think you can find it?" He replied.


"Yes and besides," he pointed at her, sneering at her, "you're a demon slayer right? You look hideous."

'Hideous? Me? Is he talking about me?' Nezuko was taken back, too appalled at the audacity of this man. 'Ouch, that kinda hurts.'

Tanjiro too was the same. It may have taken a few seconds when he realized who the demon was talking about, he was outraged. "Hmph hmph hmph! Hmrgghhh! Hmph Hmph!" He muffled furiously. She's not hideous! Take a good look at her face! Nezuko was a popular beauty in our hometown, our Nezuko!

"Ni-chan calm down! It's okay, really," Nezuko said, trying to sooth her brother though she was equally offended. However at this point he was too mad at the boy who dared to do such a thing. Can you blame him? Nezuko may not have been the prettiest face but for someone they'd just met, the boy had crossed the line.

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