4. A Chance Encounter

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It was a few hours after sunset when Nezuko arrived in Asakusa. But even then in Tokyo it was as bright as ever. Tall western style buildings lined the streets, with with wooden stalls and traditional shops on the sidewalks. People crowded the well paved roads as a tram passed by carrying its passengers from point A-B. On top of that, Nezuko marvelled as people roamed around in fabulous colourful clothing from the latest western fashions to the finest kimonos and yukatas with expensive set jewellery to boot. A complete culture shock to the girl who grew up in the mountains.

    'I-I didn't know they built cities like these already?! It's so bright!' Nezuko thought as she soaked in this whole other world. 'The buildings are so tall! Is this what they call a metropolis?' She wandered the city holding Tanjiro's hand, with her eyes going blind and her mind spinning.

As the tram passed by again, Nezuko pulled her scarf over her head like a hood, feeling the fatigue of such a crowded place get to her. "I'm so dizzy." She mumbled to herself and she wasn't alone. Tanjiro too felt the same way. Swaying back and forth, like he had to vomit.

    She wandered and wandered the town looking for a quiet place to rest. Even getting hit on by a couple of drunk people walking in on a couple doing something she'd rather not think about. Until finally she stumbled upon an empty road, where only a lonely udon stand could be found.

"Excuse me sir," Nezuko said looking drained of all her energy. "I'd like yam udon noodles?"

"Sure right away."

Several minutes passed, as the Kamado siblings sat on a nearby bench awaiting their food. The noise of Asakusa was in the not so distant background, and she could hear the rattling of wheels or hooves or maybe the roar of an engine. 'This is my first time in such a large city. It was too crowded.' Nezuko thought, rubbing her temples while the siblings leaned on each other.

"Here is your bowl of yam udon noodles." The owner called from within.

"Thank you so much." 

    Nezuko held the warm bowl in her hands enjoying the quiet atmosphere, taking a sip of the broth. The salty taste, warming her up from the inside. 'Ah, finally some food!' She thought. 'It's so nice to have such a meal.'

All of a sudden, she felt as if a boulder was put in her stomach. "Huh?" She stood up letting the bowl crash on the floor and the food splatter on the ground. 'This presence. It's so heavy.' Nezuko's slow breaths turned into heavy panting. Something evil was lurking nearby and it's aura weighed a heavy toll like she was trapped in its claws.

Looking towards the city she grabbed her sword and sprinted away, following where her gut took her and leaving Tanjiro behind. 'Why is it here? The aura they left behind back home.' She ran and ran past the crowd, in a daze. It was as if she was an ant in a forest of the tallest trees. Squeezing and stumbling forward until her feet landed her behind a man who reeked of demons and stood like a giant amongst everyone else.

    "Nezuko, listen carefully. There's only one demon who can use his blood to change humans to demons. Only one..."

Urokodaki's words rang in her thoughts.

They were sitting face to face by the fire. "A thousand years ago he was the first person to turn into a demon. In other words he's the enemy of your family. I think he should know the way to turn your brother back into a human. But do not expect him to help or even be kind. He is a monster. His name is Kibutsuji Muzan."

   Nezuko planted her hand on his shoulder. Her knuckles going white just by getting close to him. 'Blood... Terror... Cold and pale as a corpse.' She read as seconds became eons.

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