"Ok" she said walking up to the register. She was pretty much done shopping and was ready to go eat.

"Can you start signing things to me when you speak them?"

"Why?" He asked

"I'm trying to learn sign remember and I'm a visual learner, so if it's not hard to you, can you?"

"I guess I can" he said and signed at the same time, he could tell Aubrey was really committed to learning sign language.

"Is it hard reading lips"

"Very, it was harder than learning sign language"

"How do you know exactly what I'm sayin, I know I confuse you sometimes"

"Well I don't know exactly sometimes, but I mean sometimes I use context clues"

"What does that mean?"

"some words I get confused, like something and humpty look alike when I'm lip reading but I know you're not talking about anything being humpty so"

"Well you won't have to do it with me once I learn sign language" she said. Josiah found it admirable that she was learning sign language so the two could communicate and he didn't have to stress on getting words perfectly.

"You know how hard it is to learn a new language?" He said

"You told me already, I don't plan on learning the whole thing in 6 months so I'm good"
"So what exactly are you and Aubrey doing?" Leah asked. She was hoping this Aubrey mess would phase out by now but it wasn't, he'd been spending all his free time with her and Leah didn't like it one bit.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean are you guys together or are you guys fucking or what?"

"Uh we're working on being together"

"What does that mean?"

"Well for me I was going to go and just get all the hoe out of me but I haven't had sex since we had that conversation so I guess we're dating, exclusively on my part"

He'd lost interest in the other girls completely, the only reason he was having sex constantly was because he wanted that feeling and Aubrey gave him that feeling without sex.

"And it's not exclusive on her part" she asked

"I'm sure it is, she doesn't want to do anything until we're in a relationship and she's with me a lot so I doubt she has time for other guys"


"Why are you asking me all this?"

"I just wanna know what could she possibly be doing to make you spend so much time with her"

"Are you jealous?"

"Nope not at all"

"Sounds like it"

"Well I'm not, I have my own girlfriend I'm glad you have whatever it is you're having" she lied faking a smile

"Yeah okay"

"Anyways what are you doing today?"

"I have to go and pick up Noah"


"Because Dion asked me to keep him for four hours"

"While she does what?" Leah asked

"I don't know, probably do something with her husband, I don't really ask about that stuff"

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