Start from the beginning

"What mess?" Jungkook tiredly sat by his side on the mat and cupped Jimin's cheek instead of kissing it, but he made up for it by gently rubbing his thumb on the soft skin of his cheek.

"Oh~ Appa's asking what mess you made, little prince~" Jimin laughed to show how his tone was clearly teasing their newborn while looking at his shirt. The stained shirt he had previously worn was already in the washing machine. "He burped all his breakfast on my Balenciaga shirt a few minutes after you left with Si Woo this morning. I'm going to wash it and if the stain is still there, I might as well throw it away... It's Balenciaga though..."

Jungkook didn't react much, he just hummed and retracted his hand from his husband's cheek. "I'll buy you another one." His emotional state could be defined as defeated.

"What's wrong? Everything okay at work?" Jimin finally shifted his eyes from Jeong Un's tired ones but instead of finding the usual spark in his husband's, all he saw was some frustration and emptyness.

"No. My manager is forcing a role on me which I don't want to take. It's either that one or going on a three month trip to London and France for the shooting of a Hollywood movie starting on May third. They read my resume and wanted me to star in an American movie as a mafia don, no audition. I don't know many details of the second one yet but it requires me to speak English for most of it since I'm fluent," Jungkook explained.

As much as Jimin felt his heart shaking with joy because his husband was scouted for a Hollywood movie, something that is completely RARE from Korean actors (Don Lee was a magical exception), he couldn't help but also feel... alone, as selfish as it sounded because of the words 'a three month trip starting on May third'.

That was in basically 4 (3 1/2) days.

Jeong Un squirmed on Jimin's lap and began to whine softly. His lips parted in soft yet short loud whines and his tongue also stuck out a little. He interrupted the conversation but, what else could he do? He was hungry.

"Those are great news, Dangsin. They recognize your talent." Jimin managed to say while gently beginning to swing Jeong Un in his arms to calm him down. If knowing Jungkook for six years has taught him something, was that his husband wouldn't make a decision without consulting him. Which decision benefitted the family the most, was the answer. But it never had come to such a big break for them so he couldn't help but doubt and overthink outcomes of what the answer would be.

"I'll feed him," Jungkook insisted and Jimin didn't stop him. At such news, it was like a sudden hurricane shook his thoughts. It was unexpected. Even as Jungkook gently picked up Jeong Un in his arms, the unsettling feeling in Jimin's stomach didn't go away.

"Shh... Don't cry, Jeong-ie." Jungkook felt so emotionally weak as he stood up and walked over to the kitchen with Jeong Un's cries not diminishing yet, he never hesitated in his love for his youngest son. There was a clear bottle of milk near the fridge, Jimin had already pre heated and warmed it twenty minutes before Jungkook arrived. No matter how much those high pitched cries were too loud against his ears, the actor didn't flinch but he felt bad because the decision he had to make would be really hard in consequences.

"Stop squirming, Aegiya. I have your milk here." The tone of Jungkook's voice sounded so broken yet it was soft and loving to the point where he cracked a small smile when Jeong Un's cries did fade out. Now he could carefully balance the weight of Jeong Un's 3.8 kg on his left arm, and grab the bottle of milk. "You naughty boy, don't burp this on me later on." Jungkook made sure to level up his left arm at an angle where Jeong Un was half way sitting up and had his little head raised a little. He also made sure to angle the bottle of milk a little lower than 45 degrees because Jeong Un sucked it more smoothly that way. "There's my good boy."

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