SQ:Blood and tears(1)

Start from the beginning

He dared lay a hand on my mate.

I was pulled out of my killing spree when I heard another pained grunt behind me.

I shifted back and grabbed the shirt I removed before I shifted to kill the guy.

Throwing it over my naked body, I rushed to Jungkook who was leaning against the tree.

My heart was beating fast


My wolf whimpered in pain. I finally released a sob, my body shaking as I tried to find something to do.

"J-Jungkook.... "

He looked up at me, eyes drowsy

"Are you ok? Oh my, I'm sorry, you shouldn't have gotten... No I should have watched, I'm so sorry, please don't close your eyes like last time and... "

"Hey , shhh, look at me Luna, I'm ... I'm ok baby "

He grabbed my arm, his hand blood stained.

"There, just calm down, I.. I'm fine "

I was a crying mess, having a panic attack. But I listened to him and looked into his eyes

"W-what should I do? "

I sobbed

"I'm s-so scared "

"Shh, it's ok, it's just a blade, it doesn't even hurt, just come here "

He stretched the uninjured arm , a small smile on his lips. With my loud cries, I hugged him, curling myself against him.

"Shhh, now calm down"
I nodded against his chest, trying to calm my harsh breathing. My face instinctively went into his neck, breathing in his scent which I knew would help me to calm down. He gave me access to his neck whiles rubbing my bare thigh which was really pleasurable. I could feel all the goosebumps that had appeared on my skin.

After a while of whispering sweet words into my ears, I had calmed down, my cries had turned into hiccups

"Are you ok now? "
I sniffled and nodded against his neck,

"Good, can you pull out the dagger? "

I pulled away to wipe my face and stare at the blade stuck in his arm as if it was the scariest thing on earth.

"I... What if... I end up, hurting... "

"You won't hurt me,you just have to pull it out for me. Don't worry, I can endure it, it'll heal if you get it out "

I look at the blood trailing down his arm, he was losing too much, I needed to do it.

Please Luna

I nodded and gulped, closing my eyes to calm myself down by taking in a big inhale.

My shaky hand moved up to grab the blade.

"Do it baby, you can do it "

He encouraged, I squeezed my eyes shut before pulling it out with little strength, the thing was in my hand, letting it fall from my hands and onto the ground.

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