"Thanks." TN grunted.

TN sits up and looks at her hands. She flexes her fingers.

"I can finally feel my fingers again."

"How long have you been like this?" the prince asked.

TN just shrugs. She pushes the blankets away and tries to get up but has to sit back down. Dark is still on the bed and licks TN's face.

"You should rest" I said adding "how did you know? About Danielle I mean" I don't recall Danielle ever using her powers in front of her but then I remembered the day with the two boys. So much was going on at that time I couldn't even tell she was using her powers.

"I didn't." TN said. "I thought you were going to light me on fire like a regular person. But to know that Troublemaker over here has multiple powers confirms my theory."

"Troublemaker?" I said and laughed "yes well I wasn't going to light you on fire. That sounded bizarre."

Danielle looked confused and hurt by the nickname which made me laugh more. The prince also laughs but more quietly than me.

"You're not going to call me that, are you. I don't really cause that much trouble" Danielle says.

"Names are for people you trust." TN explained. "And I don't trust any of you right now."

I was hurt by that but at the same time understood. I still don't trust the prince.

"Well maybe if we all get to know each other and figure out what happened we can learn to trust one another."

TN snorted. "Yeah, right."

Before TN can say any more, the prince sighs loudly.

"How long have you been called the witch?" the prince asked.

"Why is that important?"

"Maybe it will help us learn more about you and besides we have to figure out the real reason behind your backlash" Danielle said.

"What are you talking about?" TN looks at us skeptically. "What about my backlash? Is it because of my fire powers?"

"Well first of all you shouldn't have one in the first place. The backlash you are experiencing is from something else" Danielle stated.

"I don't think so. For as long as I can remember, my fire is the thing that gives me backlash."

"Do you know the story of the Four Elemental Warriors?" the prince asked.

TN shakes her head no.

"Really? It's a great story. Very long so I'll give you the shorter version. Um so basically the four elementals were the first to have powers. Those four people had the powers of the universe, Fire, wind, water and earth. They gave others powers who they thought that were worthy enough but only gave their powers to people they trusted or thought were worthier. The four didn't have backlash making them powerful. It is said to believe that people after them with these four elements don't have backlash and it is true" Danielle said with a smile.

She used to love when dad told us that story. TN seems to process the story.

"Powers can be given to other people?" TN asked.

"Yes, but it is only the elements that you can pass. Other powers can only be passed down by blood or experimentation." the prince explained.

The face of the prince darkens when mentioning the experimentation.

"Do you understand now?" Danielle said, still looking at TN. I wonder why his face darkened.

"Yes and no." TN said.

"Well what don't you understand?" I asked, still thinking about what the prince said but knowing he isn't going to say more.

"You said that the previous people who have the powers will give their powers to those they trust or think they are worthy, right? Well, why would someone give me the power?"

"Because they thought you were worthy, that's my guess or maybe you are the descendent of the person who had fire " I shrug.

"I guess." TN said uncertainty. "What I don't get is why do they trust me? Everyone at the village hates me."

"We don't hate you" Danielle said and I nodded to confirm. "We didn't even know who you were"

TN goes silent. She looks at Dark. Dark, for his part, stares back at her. It seems like they are communicating to each other without even speaking out loud. I wonder if TN can speak to Dark like Danielle does.

"You are all fools." TN said quietly.

"Well that's not nice" Danielle muttered but I just laugh.

I look at TN and ask "can you talk to him as well? You always stare at Dark and he stares back. It's an interesting thing"

"Not at all." TN said, a smirk appeared on her face. "I just read his eyes and body language. Other than that, I can't read his mind. I also lived with Dark for a long time that I understand what he is thinking most of the time."

"Interesting" I mumble.

"Why are we fools?" Danielle asked, getting to the real question at hand.

"That you are trying so hard to convince me that I am a person."

"But you are. I don't understand how you could think otherwise" Danielle said.

"How long have you been alone?" the prince asked.

TN shrugs. I realize how much she does that.

"I don't know. Birth, I guess."

"That's awful" I said feeling sad. How could someone live like that all alone no wonder why she's like this.

"It is not all that bad." TN said. "At least I have Dark with me."

"And he's happy he has you" Danielle said in a soft tone.

I look at my sister in shock. She has never had a soft tone with anyone except when she wanted something from mom or dad but here it seems genuine. She kinda sounded like mom when she use to tell us stories. I feel tears in my eyes but keep them at bay.

But I couldn't control the tears and with Danielle here I didn't want to let her see me cry so with that I left and went to my room.

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