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Ally locks her front door as returns home from a long shift at the office. It was 2 in the morning and she couldn't wait to drop dead into her bed.

She throws her keys onto the counter and heads to her room. "Honey I'm home." She jokes to herself as she goes up her staircase, "Why did I think it was a good idea to get a two story." She says as she gets to the top step.

Ally slips out of her work attire into her causal black bra and panty set to go to sleep. She plays on her phone for a little bit before she feels a chill run up her spine.

She looks around her room, and noticed her window is open. "Funny I don't remember leaving that open..."

Ally gets out of bed, rubbing her tired eyes and goes to close it. But the closer she got to it the closer she got to seeing the wet footprints on her carpet floor. Ally puts her foot next to it and it was definitely bigger than hers.

She quickly turns around and looks at her empty room. Ally felt her breathing pick up, and noticed her open closet. She couldn't see anything since it was pitch black but something told her there was someone in there.

Her bedside table had her phone on it, and Ally quickly charges for it. She could've sworn she was flying but the moment she grabbed her phone she turned on the flash light and pointed into the closet.


Ally releases a deep breathe, but suddenly feels an arm wrap around her waist and a hand to cover her mouth, "I was in the restroom." A feminine but kinda deep voice says into Ally's ear. Ally felt her phone drop out of her hand.

She felt the intruder chuckle, "Don't worry I'm not gonna kill just have something I want back and then I will be on my way out, got it?"

Ally nods as best as she could and the intruder shoves her onto the bed, kicking her phone in the process. "Don't want your to get any ideas."

Ally stares at the robber, "What exactly do you want?" She asks. The intruder shows her a picture of a very expensive looking diamond necklace, "It is a family heirloom that I would like back, some asshole took to me and you bought it off of them so I just want it back."

Ally could hear the sincerity in the masked woman's voice, but immediately laughs. "You're kidding right?"

"No I'm not kidding?"

"I'm sorry but you got the wrong house, the most expensive thing in my house would have to be my nails, but there is definitely no diamonds here."

The robber takes her mask off and reveals to Ally a very beautiful woman. "Are you serious?" She flips onto the bed, scaring Ally a bit. "I'm so sorry I thought this was the house."

"So you're not gonna kill me?"

"Are you gonna snitch on me?"

Ally chews on her lip, "Want some coffee?"

The woman nods nervously, " names Dinah by the way."

Ally gets out of her bed, "Ally, and well Dinah I know your face and your name, you're not very good at this intruder stuff."

"And you're not very good at being a victim, who in the world offers coffee to someone that breaks into their house?" Dinah gets up too and follows Ally. Ally shrugs, "Look ive had a very rough time during work this week, and you look like you're having an equally as rough night so why not."

Dinah nods, "Well boyfriend? Husband?"

"No?" Ally questions. "Oh no judging here I just think someone as attractive yet small as you would have someone here to protect you...and who else goes to bed like that." Dinah says.

"Like what?" Ally looks down and sees she's still in her bra and panties, "Oh my goodness!" Ally runs to her laundry room and grabs the robe in it. "I'm so sorry."

Dinah chuckles, "Oh don't be, I have no complaints." Ally blushes and hears the coffee pot go off. "How do you like it?"

"Sweet please."

"I have pumpkin spice creamer, would you care for some?"


Ally makes her and Dinah's coffee and they drink in silence for a couple of minutes. "Do you often break and enter into people's house?"

"No I'm honestly a honest worker but that necklace means a lot to me...sorry to be so open but it's all I have left of my family."

"I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope you get your necklace back." Ally pats Dinah on the back. A knock on the door startled them both. "Wonder who that could be?" Ally gets up and opens her door to a police officer.

"Oh hello officer, how can I help you?"

"Yes ma'am we had just got a call from your neighbors telling us that they saw an intruder climbing up your window." The officer says, and he sees Dinah in the background in her all black outfit, it looked sketchy.

"Ma'am if you're in trouble you can tell me." The officer reassured and Ally waves him off, "No this is my girlfriend, we both just had very long night shifts, we were just enjoying a cup of coffee together." Ally says and the officer nods, "Got it, my bad, you both have a nice night then." The officer leaves and pulls out of Ally's drive way.

Ally takes a deep breathe and looks at a smiling Dinah, "I got bumped up to girlfriend? I like it."

Ally laughs, "Oh yeah totally, you've seen me half naked so I guess the road to building a friendship has been crossed." Dinah smiles at Ally, "Well if it's not too forward I'd lie to be friends."

"Only if you promise not to steal anything or break into my house anymore."

"I won't break in but I can't promise to steal anything." Dinah says. Ally looks at her, "I don't have anything for you to steal."

"Actually you do," Dinah says and pulls Ally in, "how about a friendly kiss for starters?"

Ally was blushing hard, but doesn't pull away, "Under one condition." She starts. "And what is that?"

"You start using the front door from now on."

Dinah smirks and closes the small gap between her and Ally.

A/n- inspire by allysondelivers to do these one shots bc I'm having trouble w my stories lmaoooo

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