driver's license

192 10 24

A/n- from personal experience everyone.

Ally turns the car engine off but not the car. She turns the radio up.

She watches Dinah walk away. The rain is falling onto the car windows, the same time as her tears are falling down.

' I drove through the suburbs...'

"Crying cause you weren't around." Ally cries out, and turns the car radio up.

She looks at pictures of her and Dinah through her social media as she sings along. She had to keep wiping her tears off the screen.

'...Cause how could I ever lose someone else...'

Ally puts her phone down and leans back in the seat, crying even more. "Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me!" She sings loudly she's sure someone could hear her, "Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street."

Ally thinks about all her memories with Dinah. She was the one who taught her how to drive. They would take random night drives together. That's how Dinah asked her to be her girlfriend.

' lights, stop signs, I still see your face...'

Ally tries to breathe to make herself calm down, but she sings, "But I still fucking love you babe!" With all her heart. Dinah will always have her heart.

She doesn't know anyone that could replace her.

"Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me...cause you said forever now I drive alo-."

"Ally?" Dinah questions as she enters the car with their food they ordered. "Ally? Why are you crying?"

'Olivia Rodrigo everyone! I hope you enjoyed listening to Driver's license! Now onto our next song on the countdown...'

Dinah gives Ally a look, "Really Ally? Again?"

Ally nods while wiping her tears. Dinah sighs, "Do I gotta start changing the song when it comes on? Because this is the third time this week and it's only Tuesday."

Ally wipes her eyes, "Okay maybe I relate to the song just a little." Dinah rolls her eyes, "How?! We live together and you're a blonde girl, you've been singing it like I broke your heart."

Ally shrugs, "Sounds like a personal problem, anyways can I have my nuggets please."

Dinah groans, and as she gives her girlfriend her nuggets she kisses her, "Oh I love you baby."

A/n- literally found my gf crying in the shower singing this song as if I have broken her heart YALL that song is the devil 😭 but it's good so stream drivers licencse

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