~Chapter 2~

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"Knock Knock, can I come in" I hear coming from behind my closed door.

"Ah yeah come in Louie" I say towards him,

"Ok we are going to Nando's"

"I thought we would be; let me guess who said we had to go there?" I put my pointing finger against my chin in a thinking manner, "was it Liam?" Louis chuckles.

"Totally" we both know that Niall loves Nandos so I was pretty much already thinking we were going there today.

My phone lets off a funny three tone beep telling me I have a new message. So I grab it from my bed and read it.

'Heyy! Is it ok if I bring Lachie with me?' I quickly reply to the text from Mel,

'Yea thats fine, just meet us at Nandos'

The door bell rings, making both Lou and I jump from the sudden loud noise, "I am not answering the door" Lou says fast walking to his room. I roll my eyes at the scaredy cat and head down stairs.

When I open the front door I'm greeted by a medium-height girl with dark brown hair and milk chocolate coloured eyes, her skin a creamy caramel colour. "Hey Jess! Where's Louis?" Lily asks walking into the house, side swiping me without even a glance in my direction.

"In his room getting ready" I say putting a hand on my hip,

"Oh" is her only answer before walking into the lounge room to sit down; I go and sit next to her in hopes that she might notice me but no luck. Lou walks into the room then wearing his normal white shirt with blue strips across it and aqua jeans on.

"Oh hey Lily, how have you been?" After a while of not answering I turn my head to look at her and I just can't help the laugh that bubbles its way out of my mouth. She's sitting with her mouth open slightly and her eyes focused on Louis and Louis only. It's like she has never seen him before yet we have been friends for years and she has stayed at my house countless times, Lou being famous doesnt change a thing, he is still my brother. "Lily, are you ok?" Lou asks concern masking his face.

"Huh?...ah...what did you say?" She has to be the funniest person, I can't help but laugh again.

"Ahhh...I asked you how you've been?"

"Oh...ah fine" she replies shyly. The door bell chimes so I take my first chance of ditching the awkward silence.

"I'll get it" I tell them both then speed walk to the front door. When I swing it open there are 4 boys standing there in all their beautifulness.

"Jess!" Niall says picking me up and twirling me around. He acts so much like a big brother to me I love him so much.

After I'm set down on the ground I can finally talk again, "Hey guys what's been happening?"

There's two little "nothings" and a "not much" and Harry says "Been here, been there".

"Ok than, come in" I say stepping to the side to let them pass.

One by one they pass me by. Harry giving me a side hug, Liam a little kiss on the top of my head and a side hug and then Zayn who says "Vas Happening" with a little wave added to it, such a shy guy though very good friend to have.

"Heyyyy guysssss" Louis says walking out of the lounge room with Lily tailing him.

"What's happening Louis?" Harry says giving him a man hug.

"Not much, not much at all" he says back.

"Soo this is Lily then?" Liam asks seeing the girl with her mouth hanging open to the floor; once she hears her name she snaps it shut and smiles sheepishly.

"Yeah hi I'm Lily Hendricks" she says with an out stretched hand and a huge grin on her face.

"Hey there Lily. I'm Liam Payne" he says shaking her hand,

"I'm sorry but can somebody pinch me I think I'm dreaming" we all laugh at her strangeness; I still move to pinch her arm though.


"You're definitely not dreaming then" Harry says,

"No, I think I'm fully awake" she says grinning again, "Sorry again, but can I hug all of you?" She says looking at them all with hope written in her eyes.

"Yeah I will give ya a hug" Niall says moving forward to wrap his arms around her,

"I'll hug ya" Harry says giving her a hug after Niall had,

"Sure why not?" Liam says picking her up a little in the process of the hug.

"Wait I want a hug too guys!" Louie says butting in and pulling me in there in the process.

Zayn walks up and gives her a full blown hug and a light peck on the head. If it wasn't for me to hold her where she was I'm very sure she would have hit her head on the ground when she practically fainted.


ALRIGHTY let's get something straight. I say "Louie" as a nickname kind of thing, I know his name is "Louis", so let's please stop commenting and being all "..it's Louis" "Louis it's Louis" "it's Louis not Louie" because your comments will be deleted. It will be greatly appreciated.

On another note- I hope you're enjoying it so far! Please Vote and Comment if you like my story it would mean a lot!

Thanks guys xx


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