Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

“Can I go next?” everyone’s heads whip around to see that Lily asked this question, wow haven’t heard her talk in a long time, she’s always too busy staring the face off of Zayn.

“Yes you may” Eleanor says smiling at her,

“Ok...umm...never have i ever...snuck a kiss to a 1D boy, but the 1D boy has to put a finger down to”,

“What the hell are with all these kiss questions?” I say lightly,

“Yeah it’s getting old” Zayn says nervously,

“Agreed” I reply,

“And why is it that when this question comes up you two are complaining?” Louis asks,

“Uh...Um...” we both put a finger down,

“Wait, Wait, Wait please don’t tell me that you two have kissed before?” Louis tells us annoyed,

“Maybe” Zayn says and i cough,

“OH GOD...EWW...ONE OF MY BEST MATES HAS KISSED MY SISTER” then its all serious “ima kill you fool” Louis jumps to his feet as does Zayn.

Everyone moves to the side of my room as we watch Louis chase Zayn around my room almost knocking my pricy stuff of a shelf.

“WATCH IT YOU LOONATICS THAT IS MY SPECIAL STUFF!” i run forward and grab the shelf so it doesn’t fall,

“SORRY!” they yell at the same time,

“STOP IT AND SIT THE BLOODY HELL DOWN” whoa who said that, everyone freezes and turns to face the one and only daddy direction, good on him for stoping this mess before it went any further, he is always the awesome and kind one in the group though he doesn’t talk too much...other then in interviews i mean he can take over in interviews lol.

(A/N just quickly, what does this look like...~~~~~lol~~~~~...)

“Thank you Liam” he smiles at me,

“Thats ok Jess, its a good thing i did stop them cause all your breakables would have been smashed if i didn’t” i nod in agreement,

“Ok lets play the game now” Lily says and everyone agrees and sits down back in the same spot as they were in before,

“Can we play, Truth, Dare, Kiss, Love or torture?” Melody asks,

“YES I LOVE THAT GAME” Louis and I yell at the same time which makes everyone laugh,

“Ok...ok...ok some things i wanna say first, truth, dare and kiss are the same as always but for love the person has to choose a girl and boy to go into Jess’s closet for ‘7 minutes in heaven’, but you cant pick their girlfriend or sibling...oh and for torture its only tickle torture...ok lets play” she whips out a bottle from who knows where and places it in the centre of the circle “ready” we all nod so she spins the bottle.

Its spin quickly going around and around then it starts to slow, passing Liam and Zayn, passing Eleanor and Louis then finally landing on...Lily.

“Lily. Truth, Dare, Kiss, Love or Torture” Melody asks,

“Truth” she says confidently and i whip my head back to Mel who has a smug as smile on her face. i whip my head back to Lily who’s smile is still there proudly,

“Do you ‘love’...” Lily’s face drops and she is no longer happy with what could be said next, “Zayn” Mel finishes,

“NO!” she squeals way too quickly,

Everyone except Lily and Zayn laughs “YES YOU DO” Niall yells,

Then i see Zayn lean over the back of Eleanor and Louis to whisper into Lily’s ear “can we talk later...after the party thing?” though unfortunate for them i still heard it and if i can hear it im pretty sure that Louis can to,


“Agh Louis what the hell man” Zayn is not a very happy Bradford bad boi now,

“Well i heard you talking RIGHT NEXT TO MY EAR so i decided to give it a shout out”,

“Good one Boo bear” Harry says across the circle to Louis,

“Yeah buddy” Niall says next to me,

I look at Zayn who is now pouting “Naww you are not a very happy Bradford Bad Boi now are you?” i say in a baby voice and pinch his cheeks after crawling across to him,

“Stuff off Jess”

“Aww sorry Zayn... but... this” i gesture around “is my room and so its my rules, i can do anything i want-”

“Except the dirty” Louis says cutting in and i roll my eyes,

“Whatever Louis, how do you know that you are not sitting on... the spot?” a confused look crosses his face,

“What is ‘the spot’?”

“Well that could be the spot that i did the dirty” i mimic him in a whisper,

Horror cross his face now and then anger and then it rests on scared as he jumps up and out of my room as we all laugh at him. Next thing you know we hear a shower turning on,

“He is...actually...have off” i say though laughter then i notice im the only one laugh and look up, “what?”

“Did you really do the dirty right there” Harry asks point to where Louis was just sitting, now its my turn to let horror cross my face,

“NO, OH GOD NO, I WAS ONLY JOKING”, everyone let out a breath,

“So you are still a Virgin?” Harry asks,

“Yes Harry im still a virgin” i say looking down at my crossed legs, then i feel lips near my ear,

“Its ok to still be a virgin Jess, its good that you are still one...for Louis that is” Niall pulls away and i smile as he grins at me,

“Thanks Niall”

“Its all good” he waves his hand dismissively,

“Ok well then why don’t we all grab blankets and head down stairs we can continue the party there, i doubt that Louis would want to ever come into this room again” Eleanor chimes,

“Good idea El” Liam says.


So i hope you liked the continuing lines and not me talking in between i will do that more often if you would like me to but if you do you have to tell me or else ill keep talking on and on...nah i wont...hope you enjoyed it and i hope you like the chapters to come...ily...<3...

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