All Might

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Suddenly a familiar voice called out, louder than all the others. "I AM HERE.........What in the world is going on!"

Every person in the room went silent, except for 5 voices, each one belonging to a different Deku.

"All Might" whispered Traitor, fear shaking his voice.

"ALL MIGHT" screamed Psycho, sounding excited in a psychotic and sadistic way.

"Hm? All Might" Genius said, looking only slightly interested.

"ALL MIGHT" AFO growled, pure hatred lacing his voice, and his eyes shining a brilliant blood red.

Izuku's exclamation was the weirdest, however. "All Might" It wasn't his usual excited squeak. It wasn't a relived sigh, that his hero had come to save him. It wasn't even happy. No, instead the emotions carried out in the name were of fear and anger.

The class stiffened when they heard him speak, most looking at him him concern and confusion, but a few looked at him fearfully. "Aizawa?" All Might said, looking over at his fellow teacher. "What is going on, and how come there's multiple Young Midoriya's?"

"Ooh! Ooooh!" Psycho exclaimed, waving his hand in the air like crazy. "Can I explain!"

"I think we should let our dear Eraserhead explain. He's a little more believable than we are." Genius said, calming down his child-like counterpart.

"Ha! That's true, but Eraserhead, you better let me explain who I am, ok?" Psycho replied, smiling in a creepy way at Aizawa.

"Yeah, whatever." Aizawa said, before turning to All Might, who was now standing beside him. "Remember when I introduced you to Hayami Abiko a few weeks ago?"

"The girl in the third year General Studies class? Ya, why?" All Might said, still looking uncomfortably at the Dimensional Midoriyas.

"I never told you her quirk. She can bring ina person's counterparts from other dimensions. I brought her to class to teach them" Aizawa gestured to the students "about good choices. Izuku Midoriya went first. Let's just say it's been one big disaster."

"What are you talking about? It's Young Midoriya. I'm sure his counterparts are all amazing and very heroic." All Might stated proudly, smiling over at Izuku who glared back.

"I...I'm just going to let you meet them yourself. While your dong that I'm also going to take care of Abiko, who is in the middle of opening a new dimension, so be quick."

"Ok." All Might replied, before walking over and stoping in front of Traitor. "I guess I'll start with you. You look very similar to my Midoriya, so please tell me what your dimension is like."

"D-don't h-hurt me, A-All M-Might. P-p-please." Traitor started bawling, his body trembling.

All might looked shocked that someone would ever tell him that. "Let me explain." Psych said, jumping over to stand by Traitor. He had untangled Aizawa's scarf and now had it wrapped around his shoulders. "This is Izuku Midoriya from Dimension B. The extremely depressed, suicidal, and anxiety-filled version of that one." He pointed at Hero Izuku to show who he was talking about. "Oh! He's also the U.A. Traitor in his world."

"What?!" All Might gasped, causing Traitor to start crying and shaking even harder. All Might looked guilty that he caused Traitor to cry so hard, but he shook it off and turned to Psycho. "O-ok. And who are you?"

Counterparts (Villain Deku AU Short-story)Where stories live. Discover now