Insane Deku

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It-it'll be ok, This me will be more heroic. Izuku assured himself, but him and everyone else in the room froze when they heard a deranged laughter drifting in from the new portal.

"Oh ho ho. What do we have here." The strange voice continued, then a head popped through the portal. The newest counterpart looked like Izuku but he had extremely messy dark green hair, crazed eyes and a manic smile on his face. "Ooooh. It appears to be a classroom. With UA students in it! I don't know how I got here, but there's no way I'm passing up a chance to have sone fun."

He stepped all the way through and the portal closed. The newest Midoriya was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with a black vest and tie over it. He also had black slacks, thick black gloves, and the traditional red shoes that every version of Izuku seems to have, though they were stained with something dark.

"My my, the students are even from the 1-A class, who could have guessed! Shiggy constantly has me targeting you guys. There's Aizawa, and the shark. Ooh, spark plug, alien, and even the disgusting purple grape." He was skipping around pointing at each student until he saw Bakugo.

He froze, the smile on his face growing wider and more sinister at the same time. He settled into a standing position and just stared at Bakugo, making everyone uncomfortable. "What the hell are you staring at, damn nerd?!" Bakugo yelled, a sweat drop appearing at the back of his head.

Suddenly three loud thuds were heard. The class turned and saw that the newest Izuku was now in a crouched position looking liked he'd thrown something. "What...the...FUCK?!" Everyone turned to look at Bakugo and saw three deadly daggers stuck in this chair. One by his left hand, one in between his right arm and torso, and one just above his shoulder, each only a hairs breadth away from actually hitting him.

He jumped out of his desk in order to get away from the knifes, while the original Deku ran over. "Kacchan! Are you okay?!"

"SHUT UP! What is wrong with you!" He shouted towards the Izuku still positioned at the front. "You could have killed me!"

"Believe me, I missed on purpose. If I was trying to hit you, you would know." He said while standing and re-adjusting his gloves. "Now this is interesting, there appears to be a second me here..."He glanced over at Traitor, then smile and look back to Izuku, "make that two. And Kacchan isn't acting quite right, just as angry, but less...regretful, so something is going on here that I am not aware of yet."

"U-u-uhm yeah." Abiko gulped. "I-uh-I brought you here from your dimension to meet your counterparts. Him over there is-um-is this dimension's Izuku Midoriya, the hero student. And the other one is Dimension B's Midoriya, the UA traitor. You are from Dimension C, and could you tell us who you are, what you do, and w-why you threw k-knives at Bakugo?"

"Oh, well now it all makes sense! HA! Why didn't you say something sooner. Well apparently, I'm the Izuku Midoriya of Dimension C." He started to smirk. "I'm 16 and a member of the League of Villains."

"I-I-I-WHAT?!" Izuku screamed, grabbing at his hair. "How? HOW?! How can both you and him be apart of the LOV. Are you insane!?"

"Hmmm, am I insane? Phht, YES, YES I AM!HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The whole class leaned away as the crazed Izuku grabbed his hair and doubled over, laughing maniacally. "I'm a crazed, psychotic, murderous, lunatic. HAHAHAHAHA!"

"Oh god" Uraraka whispered from the back of the class. "He's completely mad"

"Hey, um, you were kidding about the murderous part, right" Kirishima asked, laughing a little.

"No" Psycho answer, suddenly straight-faced. "Lying is the one thing I never do. I was lied to enough as a child, so I know just how much it hurts when you discover that the things you believed in were just lies."

Counterparts (Villain Deku AU Short-story)Where stories live. Discover now