Blackmarket Deku

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"I am." Izuku said. I just need to know that I'm a hero in at least one of the other dimensions. He though to himself. I'm not traitorous and I'm not crazy, no matter what Psycho me says. I just need to know that I'm good. He stared intensely at the now dark blue and vibrant green portal that appeared, unaware of the concerned and uneasy looks he was receiving from his classmates. Unaware that he was still holding the dagger that Psycho gave him.

I am good. He thought. I am good. Right?

Everyone turned towards the portal as crashing and banging filtered through, quickly followed by the newest Deku stumbling in and falling flat on his face. "Aaah" he cried, as he jumped up and ran back towards the portal, which closed a moment before he reached it. "Fuck. That chemical compound is going to destroy my lab if I don't get back to it." He turned back to the class, froze, and closed his eyes.

As he mumbled to himself, the class was looking at what he was wearing. It looked like a black long-sleeve shirt, black pants, a dark green vest, and a red tie. His hair was poofy, but not as wild as Psycho, and he had a small earring on his left ear. Over everything he was wearing a white lab coat and had a pair of black gloves.

"Um, what are you doing?" Uraraka asked, after the Izuku still hadn't opened his eyes.

"I am trying to figure out if I am dreaming. The chemical that you all heard me shout about is supposed to knock people out, so if it somehow affected me, that would explain why I am in Classroom 1-A and why there are 3 other me's." He said, opening his eyes after he finished speaking. "But if this is real, I'm going to assume that someone here," he glanced at Abiko. "Probably her, has the ability to bring in someone's alternative forms from different dimensions, which proves my multiverse theory. And it seems as if this is a meeting of all the Izuku Midoriya's. I also assume that you are the original from this dimension?" He asked, talking to Izuku. He then glanced at the other two, after looking them up and down for a moment, he continued talking. "And they appear to be a...traitor version and a...psychotic version of myself."

He looked back at the class and smiled a tight-lipped smile at all the slack jaws and wide eyes. " did you know all that. Kerp" Tsu asked, the rest of the class nodded with her question.

"It's called using my brain, sweetheart, but if you want a more in-depth explanation I'd be happy to oblige. First, I figured out it wasn't a dreaming when I couldn't control it. My dreams are always lucid. Then I noticed that I was in Class 1-A and seeing as none of you have a quirk that can make portals and she's the only person I don't recognize, then she must have been the one to bring me here. After that I noticed that out of the three other Midoriya's he" The new Izuku pointed at the original. "Is the only one not sitting at the wall. He's in a clean UA uniform so he must be a student here like me. Those two were also easy to figure out. One of them had a dirty UA uniform and huge eye bags. He must of recently betrayed UA and seems to be sad about that fact. The other one has a knife poking out the top of his shirt, blood stains on his shoes, and is grinning like a mad mad, he's obviously crazy." He turned back to Tsu, and crossed his arms, grinning smugly. "Any more questions?"

"Your spot on." Abiko said, looking impressed. "I was going to give you a run down, but you got most of it, so I'll just give you a few more details. Dimension A: Hero Student. Dimension B: UA Traitor and former UA student. Dimension C: Psychopath and LOV member. You are from Dimension D."

"You said that you also attend UA." Izuku said, getting straight in his counterparts face, so excited he was bouncing. Maybe we finally reached the other hero me's? " Are you also in the hero course?"

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