Chapter 2

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Drowning. If I had one word to describe the feeling I had when I heard that my best friend, who left for the navy when he was only 17 because he needed to find himself, was lost in battle. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I couldn't speak. But I had to, I had to breathe, I had to think, and I had to speak.

"JJ?" I heard Noah say, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I got distracted," I said thinking about what had happened the night before

I looked at Jax and he knew what was about to happen A panic attack. I couldn't move. I started breathing heavily with tears brimming at my eyes. I slowly started falling to my knees grabbing at my hair, this couldn't be happening, I can't lose Alex. I hugged my knees while Jax tried to calm me down. I sat there rocking thinking that it was all over when I felt warm arms wrap around me. I breathed slowly with that person and was pulled back into reality, it was my older cousin.

"Micheal?" I asked

"what'd you get distracted by? My handsome face?" Noah asked cockily

"you wish." I snorted back

"actually though? are you okay?" Noah asked

"yes, my older cousin is visiting and I was thinking about that," I said


"that's the one"

"I thought you hated him?" 

"I do, just I have to be mature, soooo..." I said trailing off.

"Oh," Noah said and nodded

we continued on our way to class and stopped in front of my class.

"Alrighty well, I will see you cutie at lunch," he said hugging me.

"bye handsome, I love you," I said

"love you too," he said kissing my forehead and walking away

I walked in and we had a sub. Oh no, Micheal. I turned around and ran down the hall after Noah.I ran up to him and grabbed his arm

"What are you doing?" He asked

"Michael- he's my sub" I breathed out

"Okay then, we will skip that class, easy peasy" He replied I smiled gratefully and hugged him. We left the building and went to get frosties. I smiled at him and for a single moment all of my worries disappeared. But then I remembered Alex. I couldn't skip school today, my parents wouldn't let me sadly, but screw it. My best friend is probably dead. I'm gonna do whatever the hell I want. We went and got frosties then went to the movie theatre.

When we left the theater I checked my phone for the first time since we left school. 22 missed calls from Michael and 30 missed calls from Jax. 0 from my parents. They probably don't care. Whatever. As long as I don't have to go to Michaels class. I now have to go home and face the wrath of Jax and Michael. Ugh. Noah dropped me at home and I told him to pray for me. He laughed and said I love you to me and drove off. I took one last breath of fresh air before I walked into the home that I was most likely going to be grounded to forever. I walked in and heard two pairs of feet running towards me. Jax and Michael came running around the corner and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw me. They hugged me like I was their lifeline and then let go and they both started lecturing me at once. All of the talking was hurting my head so I walked into the kitchen to get some water. They followed me and just kept lecturing and it got to the point where my head was pounding so I yelled stop at them. They both immediately went quiet and looked at me strangely.

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