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The next day Izuku arrived at Dagobah municipal beach at 4:00 am back then it was a beautiful beach full of peace and beauty but people began throwing trash on the beach ruining the wonder and here he is where we find him pulling a refrigerator towards the beach entrance with no problem and all while All Might and Kintaros sitting on top of the fridge watching him.

''Hey it looks likes he's doing pretty well down there i can tell he's been working out a lot.'' All Might ask from the top of the fridge Kintaros who was sitting next to him and answer.

''Yup is a good thing that I trained him after school and weekends he started training when he was 5 oh yeah almost forgot to introduced myself when we arrived I'm Kintaros one of Izuku's imagin and his coach.'' Kintaros said and he offered a handshake to him.

''Yes is nice to meet you I'm All Might.'' All Might said and shake his hand.

''By the way where's izuku's other imagins shouldn't they trained him too.'' All Might asked kintaros.

''(Sigh) we rather not let them trained him.'' Kintaros said and look down.

''Why is that ?'' Allmight then raised an eyebrow.

''Well how do I explain this back when he was 10 years old Momotaros trained him how to sword fight.'' Kintaros said to All Might.

''Really that's not a bad thing.'' All Might said to him.

''But what we didn't know is that he used Izuku's body to chase some hoodlums at the alley and teach him which person he supposed to fight.


''Guys let's get out of here.'' Hoodlum 1 said while running.

''Get back here Mate mate mate!!!!'' IzuMomotaros yelled at the hoodlum.

''He's insane.'' Hoodlum 2 said to the other hoodlum

''Listen up Izuku the first lesson is to ignore the weak and after the strongest one instead.'' Momotaros said to him in his mind while chasing the hoodlum.

''Leave us alone man aghhhhh.'' He yelled at IzuMomotaro from the back.

End flashback.

''Since then the hoodlums got ended up in a hospital.'' Kintaros said before he facepalmed himself and All Might then shocked of what he just said with a sweatdrop.

''So that explains why back then I heard rumors that a certain kid beat a lot of hoodlums and who would have thought it was him.'' All Might said and sweatdrop

''What about the blue one ?'' All Might asked him again.

''You mean Urataros well there is one time he teach him how to peace his minds and calmness but.''Kintaro said

''But?'' All Might said in a confused tone.

''He used his body to flirt with girls.'' Kintaros said and looked down

Flashback Again

IzuUrataros is sitting on the floor while cutting a flower while the girls are looking at them.

''Now izuku this lesson is about to peace your mind and calmness.'' Urataro said then grabs the blue flower he cut and point at the girls one by one and said ''bang.'' All of the girl fainted blushing while Urataros smiled.''

End of flash back

''So is up to me and Deneb to teach and training except for Ryutaros he has a mind of a child.'' Kintaros said to All Might.

''I see, has there been anyone stop them before.'' All Might asked

''Yup, it was a girl she always stops them for teaching him stupid stuff to him sometimes she kinda scares us.'' Kintaros said before he got chills on his spine a bit remembering a certain girl with earphone jacks..

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