The orchestra completes their song and slips into a new piece. You are eager to continue the hypnotic sway that has captured you, but Ell stops your swinging as the next song floats above your heads. You try to pull away to look at her, but she holds you close and whispers in your ear.

"Would you care to join me in the lounge so that we can talk more readily?"

You can't verbally answer since your breath is lodged like a rock in your throat, but you manage a nod. With that the vamp pulls away and takes your arm in hers, guiding you across the ballroom and out into a quiet hall. From there you turn into a luxurious lounge. Dark wood walls line the space and are adorned with several plump bookshelves and a rather majestic fireplace which is surrounded by a couple blood red sofas. Ell guides you to one of these couches and sees that you are seated comfortably. She's about to take a seat with you, but then her face goes still and stops short of joining you.

"Is something the matter?" you ask, worried that in this light she may have found you differently than how she saw you within the romantic whimsy of the ballroom.

"Not with you my sweet Micah," she says with an effortless smile. "I just realized I need to chat with someone about a business matter. I wish to deal with it now so that it doesn't interrupt my time with you later. Would it be all right if I left you here for a brief moment?"

She sounds sincere and the smile she shares with you appears genuine. Though, you realize that your chance of success plummets with every moment she's out of your sight, you tell her it is not a problem and wish for her quick return. You know to deny her now would be a greater blow to your chances than to let her go.

With your approval, she gives a quick bow before leaving the room and shutting the door behind her. Uncertain what to do, you rise up and look around, hopeful to find something to entertain you.

You browse the bookshelves, finding various tomes on vampire history, the art of harvesting humans, and the complicated politics of immortal society. You also find a few trinkets, one of which catches your eye. It's a statue with two human forms that are so entwined together, it's difficult to tell where one person begins and the other ends. You pick up the small sculpture for closer inspection and find that one of the faces appears human, while the other's mouth showcases delicately carved fangs.

You hear something scraping behind you. You jump at the sudden raspy noise and you instinctively shove your pilfered item into your pocket, worried that Ell has returned and will be displeased with your nosy behavior. Of course, if she found you had a stolen item...

"Micah!" It came as a whisper, yet the excitement in the voice was not lost in its low volume.

"Ferris?" Your heart beats hard against your chest as your head catches up with the reality of this sudden turn of events.

You glance over at the door to find it still shut within its frame. You then scan the room, only to find yourself utterly alone. Your breathing calms once you affirm that no angry vamp was waiting for you, but your head still reels with confusion.

"Micah, over here by the fireplace."

You look to the hearth and there beneath the grate you see some fingers poking out as well as a rather ashy face that resembles Ferris's.

"Ferris, what are you doing?" you ask in a hush as you run over to the fireplace.

"I'm with the coven. Our ritual is dependent upon proximity so we dug a tunnel from the tavern cellar to this ash pit so we could sneak in."

"There's a vamp with me, she could be back any moment..."

"Yes, I heard her, but that doesn't mean we still can't pull this off. We can do this if you help us."

You give Ferris a hard look as he cranes his neck at an uncomfortable angle in order to show you how serious he is from beneath the dusty iron grate.

"What..." you begin, but he doesn't allow you more than that word. As far as he can tell, you've given him an opening to continue and that opportunity sparks a light in his eager eyes.

"We just need you to coax the vamp away. When she returns, do whatever you need to, just get her out. We can handle ourselves from there."

"But..." You want to help Ferris, in the sense that he's your friend, but to help him would potentially result in the massacre of the vamps. Including Ell. "But, then you'll kill her."

"Look," says Ferris, his voice getting more frantic with each passing second, "even though you decided to come tonight, you haven't ratted us out, which you could have done. You haven't judged me for my opinions and I won't judge yours. The ritual takes time. Convince your vamp to leave as soon as possible and she'll be safe."

You look at Ferris for awhile, your brain turning over the possibilities. You could help Ferris and lead Ell out of the room once she returns, but you're also concerned that Ferris doesn't appreciate how poor his chances are. You could tell him to leave with the promise you'll go with him or you could enforce the matter by alerting the vamps, making Ferris run whether he wants to or not.

- Lead Ell away: ch 70

- Leave with Ferris: ch 71

- Scare Ferris Off: ch 72

The Vampire's HarvestOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz