thank you for all your nice words

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So I'm kinda drunk now, my teen body apparently can't really take two glasses of white wine lol

The last bit of my undrunk mind says something, that I should go back into Harry Potter

I know I'll regret it. A lot. My studies were effected by HP, and I got out of the fandom so I could yknow do other stuff like study and like draw and write other stuff and

Oof my English uuuuuuu

There perhaps is some potential for this book. Many people seem to find this book good for some reason? Idk how but ok, this originally meant as a shitpost of a book. Huh

Give me a while to sleep off the alcohol and think whether I should continue this book- if I do, I'll be planning out a definite storyline, no longer writing with plot holes. My writing style perhaps has changed so I would write better lol

Imma do a poll. In the comments. Should I continue this book? When you comment, perhaps tell me a reason to continue, and one thing that could be improved of this book and/or one thing that frustrates you from this book. Alright?

I'll come back in maybe a week to see the results. Perhaps once again I'll read a Dark Harry fic for entertainment and have my fingers crossed I don't get sucked back into the fandom again.

Leaving you with drunkness and love,

Also holy shit 50k how the fu-
-dge. What did you think I was gonna say?

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