Chapter 4: <Foundation>

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>memory/ dream

Harry was an Angel. The little 'tweak' Death had done? He had gifted him the powers of an Angel. At times, he wondered why he was given this title. It stressed him sometimes.

It's been a month since Harry went to live with Draco. His parents were pretty cool about it. It was finally the day to get to Platform 9 3/4, which was in a muggle train station called King Cross. Oddly enough, Draco's parents dropped them off just outside the Platform, and abruptly left, leaving them standing with all their stuff in the middle of the busy muggle train station. Harry turned to Draco and said, "Come on! Let's go!"

"How'd you know where to go?" The pale boy had a look of absolute confusion on his face. Clearly his parents hadn't told him anything about this place...

"Just a hunch..." he murmured, and led the other to the wall that connected the outside world to the magical one. There, Harry observed a family of red-heads being rounded up by their parents.

"Oh... it's them..." Draco said, eyeing them with disgust.

"Hm?" the boy raised his eyebrow at his Friend.

"The Weasleys. Us Malfoys have held a grudge against them for as long as I have ever known. Sure, they're pure-bloods too, but they're so ridiculously Light," he sniffed. "The only decent ones in the family are the twins. I heard they go against Dumbledore every opportunity they get..."

'They shall be a good ally, then,' the angel thought to himself. The pair approached the family near the barrier to Platform 9 and 3/4 cautiously.

Unfortunately, they were spotted by them. A young Weasley turned towards them, with a very obvious look of disgust on his face. "Hey look Mum, it's a Malfo-"

He was stopped mid sentence by two of his brothers. They placed their hands on his face carefully and pushed him back as they walked up towards the pair. "Hello! Sorry about our Brother there, he's a feisty one..."

"It's fine... I assume you are Fred and George Weasley?" Harry inquired.

Draco turned to him in surprise. How did he know about them? Wasn't he just telling the boy about the Weasleys...

"Yeah! I'm Fred-"

"And I'm George-"

"Not Weasley!" They finished together.

The pair burst into laughter, the rest of the Weasleys looking at them with contempt. Unbeknownst to them, their Twins has just ditched their name.

"Let's get through this barrier and quickly get on the train before your Brother learns new terms to describe us," Draco said, sneering at the Young boy Weasley. He sneered back. He started for the Malfoy heir, but was stopped by his Mother, who was glaring at him with a warning look.

"Not now Ronald, we'll eventually get rid of them. The Light always wins," no one but Harry heard the woman say to her child.

He shook his head. He had always thought this Light and Dark thing was all a piece of bull. It was unnecessary to name a side of a war like that.

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