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(i took the picture. i think it's nice)

"Hey, you with the glasses!!" An ash blonde shouted towards the boy sitting alone under a tree.

Said noirette pointed to himself confused as the other boy walked over.

"Yeah, you. I'm ******* *******, what's your name?" The boy said, smiling while sitting next to the noirette boy.

He stared through cracked glasses. The face was blurred out, but he could still make out spiky blonde hair.

"U-um w-well-" He began, his voice barely above a whisper, but was cut off when another voice shouted at the blonde.

"Hey *******!! Don't hang out with that loser. He never talks about his quirk, so we pretty sure he's quirkless. Apparently, he doesn't have any parents either. That's so lame, right!!?"

The noirette began shrinking in on himself, waiting for the blonde to leave like everyone else.

"Hey, assholes!! That's pretty shitty to say, and if you don't stop, I'll blast your asses straight to hell!!" The blonde shouted, explosions popping from his palms.

As the kids backed off, he went to sit next to the noirette once more, who was staring at him in shock.

"T-Thanks, Kacchan."

"What did you call me?" He said. "A-ah I'm s-sorry!!" The boy quickly said back waving his hands frantically.

"No, I-I like it!!" The blonde gave him a thumbs up.


Izuku woke up once more, ready to work out but he sat in bed for a moment, staring at the ceiling.

"No nightmare this time. Who's Kacchan?" He thought to himself.

It was strange to not get nightmares, but hey, he wasn't complaining.

Izuku quickly changed and grabbed his wireless earbuds before feeding Yuka and exiting his apartment.

He got to his desired location.

An old beach covered in trash. Takoba Beach.

He could work out here by cleaning the trash and eventually work his way to cleaning the entire beach. Izuku heard that before it was completed covered in trash, it was beautiful.

Mad at Disney - salem ilese

Izuku started with the tires and small things, bringing them over towards the curb where someone can come pick them up.

Unbeknownst to him, a certain blonde hero watches him clean.

"Hm, Aizawa might be happy to know at least someone's trying to clean the beach." The hero thought, grabbing his phone and dialing his friend.

"Hey Aizawa, guess what!"


"Some kid is cleaning Takoba beach!"

"And you are so excited, why?"

"Well, you were always saying that you wanted to see if someone would actually want to clean it. Like, willingly."

"Well that obviously means you're watching the kid, so stop before people think you're a pedophile."

The blonde quickly realized how weird he probably looked and decided to leave.

On the other side of the beach, yet another blonde hero watches the boy clean the beach.

Izuku felt as though he was being watched and looked over to see a sickly looking old man.

He suddenly sputtered and blood escaped his lips, making Izuku drop whatever he was holding and rush over to help.

He began frantically looking over the man, unaware if he knew sign. Said blonde just watched as the noirette made gestures to his mouth.

"Ah, um, do you not like to speak, young man?" He asked. He knew this kid from the other day. The one from the sludge incident. The one who had given him the cold shoulder and acted like he just ruined his entire day.

"Are you okay sir!?" Izuku moved his hands as fast as he could. He was not going to let this man just stand there if he needed medical attention.

"Yes, I am fine. It is rather normal." The blonde waved the worrying boy off, but he was still not completely convinced.

"Are you sure? Do you need food? Water? Help getting medications?" The noirette's expression became that of a fretting mother, hoping her child was okay.

"No, but thank you, young man." He waved his hands back and forth.

Izuku reluctantly nodded his head and returned to cleaning the beach.

Kolors - Monte Booker

Izuku soon finished his cleaning for the day and began walking home.

"Hey there, little listener!" He heard a voice and turned to see a man with long blonde hair pulled into a bun running towards him.

Izuku thought for a moment before his eyes sparkled.

"Only one person that I know of calls people listeners.....Present Mic!" Izuku thought excitedly. He recognized those triangular orange glasses and bright green eyes.

"Hey there!! What kind of music do you like? I was walking by earlier by the beach you were cleaning and noticed you like never took out your earbuds. I was wondering if you liked a different type of music. Y'know something new for my radio show!!" The blonde said enthusiastically.

Izuku looked kind of skeptical, before showing the taller blonde his playlist with a smile.

"Hm, interesting. It's a mix of lots of different genres! It would throw the listeners off guard because I usually stick to a certain group of music! Do you mind if I use some of these songs?"

Izuku stared through his own round glasses, before nodded rapidly.


Izuku sat down on his roof, cat in hands and wrapped in a blanket.

Earbuds connected to his phone.

He waited anticipatedly for Present Mic's later radio show, wanting to see if the hero actually wanted to hear his own music.

"Hey there all you listeners!! Present Mic here, and welcome to my late night radio show, for all you night owls.

Now, before I start, I'd like to thank a little listener I met earlier today for the help with music. Unfortunately I can't tell you their name for privacy reasons. And also I didn't get their name." He mumbled the last part.

"Anyway, let's get down to business!"

Idle Town - Conan Gray

Izuku's eyes slowly got heavy.

"Nooo! He used my weakness!! Soft Songs!!" Izuku dramatically fell back onto his pillow, and stared at the stars.

"I heard Present Mic teaches at UA. Maybe he'll visit the support course.

Maybe this won't be so bad."

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