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IZUKU was flying through the air.

His hands and feet hurt like hell from the shockwaves he was producing, and was barely keeping up with All Might.

"If you're going to being me along, at least you could've helped me get there!" As if on que, the blonde man grabbed Izuku and tucked him under his arm, before bursting off once again.

The cold air blasting against his face made his eyes water, and the trees below seemed to be moving at light speed.

Suddenly a domed building came into view, and All Might spared no time to break the doors open and drop Izuku into his butt.

The greenette glanced up, and a shiver ran down his spine.

"I've never seen All Might so angry. . ."

When he took a moment to look around, the first thing he noticed was Eraserhead trapped under a giant bird like creature.

The hulking blonde next to him already ripped off his tie, before jumping forward and grabbing the underground hero.

Neither of he two who had just arrived knew why Izuku was asked to be taken. Perhaps for extra support while the others were on their way.

With no plan in mind, he jumped down the stairs, where he noticed some students trying to make their way over to he main entrance.

Originally, they got into a fighting stance, believing he was a villain as they had never seen him before in their class, but he held his hands up in defeat after almost being smacked with a tail.

"I-I'm here to h-help!" Even with all the vocal exercises, he could barely speak a sentence without straining. Izuku wasn't even sure they heard him until they glanced at one another and nodded.

"Move!" He yelled as loud as he could, bringing his hands close together.

"All Might, jump!"

Izuku's body shook as he took in a deep breathe and released the biggest shockwave he could.

Dust and debris filled the area, villains being flung backwards towards the leader, and the bonus boss barely still standing on shattered bones.

All Might took the opportunity and jumped to attack the nomu, that already began to regenerate.

Izuku's hands were shaking and bleeding from the fingernails, his consciousness hanging on by a thread as he staggered.

"Are you guys okay?" He felt a hot liquid buildup in his throat, but asked nonetheless. The students had long forgotten their situation, staring there dumbly as they fawned at the ruined plaza.

The shockwave didn't appear to touch the zones, but they couldn't be too sure.


Shigaraki Tomura expected this to be easy.

He expected not a single challenge.

The first setback was when All Might wasn't even there.

The second was when All Might showed up, and was actually beating his nomu.

The third, was him.

The curly haired boy who created mass destruction where the nomu was standing.

He was angered.

Angered that this destructive force just had to be on the heroes side.

Right before him, was a god amongst mortals, a force so powerful that it literally bent everything to it's will. He was completely and utterly sure that there was so much more to this kids quirk than fancy shockwaves, and he needed to know.

It was like a hidden boss that only showed up when it was most or least convenient.

Or, this was player three in his Master's plan.

And player three needed to be on his side.


Izuku felt a pair of eyes on him, and when he looked up, he was met with bright crimson staring right at him.

He shifted uncomfortably, struggling to focus on directing the students towards safety.

The bile and blood that rose in his throat burnt, yet he continued to tell for others to come to him.

Self preservation? Don't know her.

The shaking of his hands never ceased, and in fact it got worse to the point he could barely keep his arms moving. A couple heroes-in-training asked if he was okay to keep going, and without hesitance Izuku replied 'Yes'.

He looked over to see All Might staggering backwards, the nomu's hand practically tearing a hole through his boys, blood soaking the white shirt.

Suddenly the purple body was frozen solid in ice, Shoto Todoroki standing not too far away with an intense look upon his face.

The blonde hero barely had enough time to break away before the nomu was free, beady eyes staring intently, though it was unclear whether it stared with intelligence or the complete opposite.

Two more students that he knew joined the battle.

Katsuki attacked the nomu, though it barely seemed to make a dent. When the creature lunged towards the blonde, Eijiro rushed forwards and blocked the attack with his hardened skin, though he seemed to struggle with that.

For at least five solid seconds, Izuku ran his eyes over the area, making sure all students were evacuated to the main plaza, before jumping into the fray.

"Izuku?!" He heard Eijiro shout, but he paid no mind as he landed on an upturned price of rubble from his first attack.

With the nomu distracted with All Might, the greenette got as close as he could, but eventually had to jump over the bird monsters arm and land on its shoulder.

As quick as he could, he slammed his palms against the nomu's exposed brain, and let his shaking, bleeding hands do the rest.

"PLUS!. . .ULTRA!"

The creature screeched as the waves created by Izuku completely turned it's brain to mush. The boy in question was bucked off in an attempt to free itself from the inevitable.

All Might stared in wonder and horror as blood began to fill the area of it's brain, leaking from the creatures eyes, eyes, nose and mouth, before it eventually fell to the ground in a heap of muscle and blood.

"Holy shit. . . Wait, Izuku, are you okay?!" Katsuki rushed over as soon as the thought of who caused his cross d his mind, bringing the greenette's head into his lap as he hastily removed the heavy gauntlets on his arms.

The whole leader of the operation stared in wonder, though bubbling anger rose time his heart at the thought of not defeating All Might.

A breathless chuckled escaped the man's mouth. "Incredible. . ."

His thoughts were disrupted when he came crashing to the ground, bullet holes in each of his arms and legs.

"The pro's are here, Shigaraki. Let us retreat." The purple mist surrounded Tomura, who disappeared along with the mist man himself.


"Shit! Shitty hair, grab my gauntlets!" The blonde yelled, picking up Izuku whose nose had begun bleeding along with his fingernails. When Katsuki had removed the heavy grenades, he checked the greenette for a pulse, in which he felt one but it was faint.

With barely any effort, he hoisted the boy up so his head rested on his shoulder and his chest was against his. He did his best to try and wrap the boys legs around his torso to stop his from falling, but still he required to hold him with as hand below his legs. (not bridal style. it's like how some people carry kids)

"Shit shit shit shit!"

"Panicking will not help Bakubro!"

"Neither will your shitty advice!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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