8 Again Idfk

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After my shower i walked straight to my hut. Inside it was still the same. I guess that Gally should bring his stuff later today...
It felt quit good that i will finally have someone who doesn't judge me, and don't expect the worst of me. Except of my relaxed state right now, i noticed that the gladers seemed a bit off. I should ask Gally when he arrives, oh he's coming in mine direction. He also seemed off, but when he saw me Gally happily smiled and jogged to me.

"Lily! Finally my good hut buddy!" He hold his hand for an high five.

"Yea boy!" I gave him a high five an when he pulled his hand away i grabbed it. "Now tell me what's wrong with the gladers."

I looked confused at first but then smiled in defeat. "Girl, you can get what you want. But fine, a runner came trough the gate on the last moment today.. He appeared to be stung, tomorrow is his banishment."

"Owh, his name is?" I let go of his hand.

"Ray. They wanted you to help bannish him.. You know... They all think u cold enough to do it with ease.. But don't worry! I told them to back off, and leave you alone on your free day."

I smiled "Thank you Gal! You're my best hut mate i can imagine."

He laughed to. "I know, I'm the best in alot of stuff."

"Like in insulting and bragging?" i putted my hands in my sides, and rased a earbrow.

"And not only in those stuff... I became keeper of the boulders while you were sick. Wanna congrat me?" He smirked.

I patted his shoulder. "Dude, you're self esteem is already high enough, you don't need more."

Secretly i was very impressed! In 3 days he was here, he already became a keeper!

"By the way, you weren't there for dinner. Want to get some food." He said.

"No not hungry." I didn't lie. 2 days i lied in bed just beeng sick. I'm not hungry at all. "Let's just go to bed."

First he wanted to say something, but then just smiled at me and jumped on his bed. On the other side of the hut.
Already within a few minutes i heard snores from his direction. Exept for me i couldn't sleep again, i laid there on my back. Pointless staring at the roof.
Again i felt so alone, the gladers still didn't accepted me. I really didn't know what to do, to make them accept me. I'm cold enough to push someone in the maze...
I never really talked to Ray, but he didn't seemed like a good runner. Still i felt bad for him, that we losed someone in the glade we really needed. With ease...
No! I'm not like that! I wanted to punch the wall, but then turned my head to the sleeping Gally. He did accept me for what i was. Also like me, not every glader liked him. But it looks like he was respected by the others.
I slowly got up and walked in to the forest.

I'm cold hearted in the eyes of others. Tears firmed in my eyes. Maybe because it was the truth...?
Instead to start to cry, i punched a tree hard with my fist. Pain shooted from my knuckles to my arm.
I bit my lip and punched with my other fist. The same result... It seemed to numb my thoughts. I could forget everything. Again with my other fist, and again, and again, and again. I didn't stop when my knuckles were all bruised and bloody, i didn't stop when my wrist hurted from the effort.
I only stopped when i felt strong arm grabbing my wrists.

"What do you think you're doing?!" It was Gally.

"Let me go! Why are you doing this? Why do you even care?!" I was doing my best holding back my tears.

"Lily... What's going on? Yes i do care! It's my right to! I just___ Lily, just look what you have done to your hands! I don't ask to tell me why, if you don't want to tell me you don't have to. Just, at least take care of them."

I freed my hands. "I just don't want poeple to think that I'm injured."

We walked back to our hut.
"Go back inside, I'll be right back."

When i sat on my bed i looked at my bruised knuckels. It was even painfull to move them. No skin was seen on them.

"Come, let me do it." Gally said with a faint smile.

He sat next to me on my bed and took my hand.
After he was done i looked at the bandages on my knuckles.

It totally didn't looked like injuries! More like boxing bandages? Or something to stabilize your wrist?
" Gally! This is amazing!"

"Don't party already you stupid." He laughed. "Try to move your fingers."

"No, i like it this way." I putted my hands behind my back, so he couldn't re-do it.

"Did i told you already that your stupid?" He said with one earbrow rised "Let's play rock, scissors, paper."

"I'm not a kid anymore, klunk of!"

"Well..." He smirked. "Let's do it for a bet, the winner can dare the loser to do anything. What do you think?"

Ow god... Doing it for a bet is a whole new level.
"Try me." I showed my fist to play.

"Rock, scissors, paper." We both said.

Gally won - -

"You cheated, you evil coward!" I screamed.

Gally just laughed. "How can i cheat in rock siccors and paper? Anyway... Sleep, i have an amazing dare for tomorrow."

"Fuck you."

Gally got on his own bed. Soon as i heard his quit snores i fell asleep quickly after.

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