1 Arrival

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Fuck fuck fuck! What's going on? Where am I? Who am i?
Did i die? No... I'm kind of in a metalic box with some stuff? I couldn't see good in the dark.

Suddenly the box started moving. I couldn't grap anything so fell backwards. I only stood up when it stopped moving. I heard voices and sudden the metalic doors above me opened.

"I won! Told ya it's gonna be a girl this time." A asain looking boy said.

"mwhe i wanted a handsome boy." A blond girl said.

"Guys!" I Interruption them. "If yall done discussing about me, i want everyone to tell something. Something is terrible wrong with me, i think i have amnesia. I___can't even remember my name. So please get me my doctor, or family i don't care."

First everyone stood quit, then they bursted in a laugh. Was it that bad...?
When they calmed down, a dark skinned boy jumped in the box.

" I'm Alby, it's normal that you can't remember anything. But don't worry about your name, it will come back. We all can't, just like you we woke up in the box. And here we are, in the glade, surrounded by a maze whit no way out."
He said while helping me out the box.

"Fucking amazing" i sighed. "I hate this already. Ugh. Now, if yall want to excuse me, i need time for myself."

I walked in the direction of a forest, but Alby took my wrist.
"Greenie, you don't understand. We have rules here. And jobs to do. That's the only way to survive together."

"Well fuck that, I'm not participating. And my name is not greenie. It's... It's... LILY!" Well at least i remember my name now. And i freed my wrist from his grip.

"Well greenie you have to, otherwise i be forced to put you in the slammer."

"It's Lily! I told you already." I growled, showing that i won't listen.

"Okay Lily... You have to, there are rules, that's what i told you already." He said angry.

I slowly shook my head no, while growling.

Before i could do anything, he said. "Put her in the slammer! No food."

Two boys grabbed me, dragged me towards what i thought the slammer was. With my elbow i punched one of them in the eye. But in his replacement two other grabbed my free arm. And to my another arm we're holding 3 boys now. Well shit!

They threw me in what they called the slammer and left me there.

There i sat on the ground. I shivered, cold... I don't know how long i sat there. I know that when Alby came back with a few other boys amd girls, the sun was getting down.

"The fuck yall need from me?"
I shouted at them.

"Calm down, girl." A blond boy with a brittish accent said. "Look we're the keepers of the jobs. We came here just to talk. None of us wants to be here, but we're still doing what we're told. This place is dangerous, and just what Alby said: The only way to survive is together."

"Ugh, yall won't change your mind?"

"Nope my angry rebel" The asian answered.

"How do you called me? Angry fucking rebel?! I swear, if i where there i would show you an angry rebel!" I punched the wooden bard above me.

"You heard Newt!" Alby hissed "So is it a yes or no?"

I shaked the bars. "Yes... Now let me out."

They opened and i climbed out.
They all introduced themselves and Newt gave me a little tour. While introducing each job.
After the tour he told me about the bonfire that starded a few minutes ago.

"You Slintherhead!" I slapped the back of his head. "No party start without me!"

He rubbed the place where i slapped him. "Auch... I think i know thy the poeple who took you out the box calls you angry rebel.. Besides, it's because of you shank i didn't had the time for the tour."

"Blah blah, blah let me see what this place got." I pushed his back toward the big fire i saw in the front.

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