(OLD) The Populars and Me Pt. 2

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Type: Romance, Slice of Life

Main Characters: Ryan (Human), Onyx (Tiger), and Aragorn (Wolf)

POV Style: First Person

Plot: Ryan is a 19-year-old human who struggles when being mostly alone with himself. He's shy to most people at school or even in public but he can make plenty of friends until he feels comfortable. He does have a best friend he has been with for 5 years. Ryan hopes to find the love of his life or maybe even more lovers that will love him for who he is and not get taken advantage of or manipulated. A tiger and wolf from his school are the most popular guys in the area and what will happen when they meet face to face with Ryan?

Requested by: ryman09


(Inside of Mrs. not-so Nice's office...)

I've never been called to a teacher's office nor to the principal's office for misbehavior in all my life. I've been that shy and unnoticeable boy ever since I was born; why would I commit misbehavior?

Well, that isn't the case when it comes to certain not-so-nice Physics teacher.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Onyx. You're one of the top students of this school, but you've shown disrespect for me during my class!" The bitchy Physics teacher was sternly preaching the tiger while shooting a deadly glare at me at the same time.

Onyx doesn't seem faltered though; his face straight as ever. How about me? I'm just keeping my head down, but I'm secretly thinking that maybe the plan of poisoning Reigna and her boyfriend should've been directed to this bitch. I just seriously hate her!

"And you, Ryan," she says and points at me, and that's when I looked at her with scared eyes. "I'm noticing that your average grade in my subject is almost on the brink of failing. What do you have to say for yourself that you have distracted Onyx during my class?!"

"I-I'm very sorry, ma'am! I-I w-was just-!"

And I didn't expect for Onyx to cut me off. "He was asking for help in concern for your subject, Mrs. Nice. I was going to agree to tutor him," he says nonchalantly without batting an eyelash.

... That's totally not what I expected him to say. Me?! Of all students in Maple Academy that Onyx – the star student and one of the most popular guys – would want to tutor, he picked me?! Dear God, please tell me he's not joking and this isn't just a crazy dream.

Mrs. Nice doesn't speak for a moment, which really weirded me out because I thought she was gonna yell at me again. But then she frowns. "Is this true, Ryan?"

I looked at Onyx for a moment, and he had a hinting smile. I almost blushed for thinking how handsome he was again, but this sour situation helped me hold that back. 'He really does want to help me... Goodness gracious, Ryan, you're one lucky bastard...' I thought before sighing, and then I stated shakily, "Y-Yes, ma'am. I-I'm sorry for interrupting your class with that reason..."

Silence fell for a few seconds before Mrs. Nice removed her glasses and wiped them with her handkerchief. "... Very well. I will let you two go this time." When she said that, I thought fireworks started exploding in the sky.

I couldn't contain my happiness so much that Onyx suddenly nudged my side but still have a hinting smile, and I blushed.

"But!" Of course, there's that effing conjunction. Mrs. Nice looked at me with her stern gaze again, and said, "Ryan, you must improve your grades until this term ends. Otherwise, I will make sure you get suspended."

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