Chapter 4 || Coming for Miss. Brat || Edited

Start from the beginning

It was not like I was hugging him but still his exotic scent entered my nostrils. It was similar to that of dad's but his was something different. A dark wild weed with a mix of pleasant scent from the woods.
He was a wild weed indeed. I remembered the glimpse of the crowd who had their hawk eyes on him like he was a walking meal. It was sheer embarrassment to admit that I spurned their eyes on him.

"He is not like your boyfriend, or someone significant to have such feelings Aria!" My mind condemned.


He is none, yet why the hell I hated others eyes on him.

Oh!! SHUT UP!!!

Shaking my head in pure disgust at myself I connected my air pods and played the song, They don't know about us, by 1D and drifted off to sleep.


I felt the bright rays of the morning star fall incessantly on my eyes. My tired limbs pulled the duvet across my face, and shunned the sleep spoiler. I felt a few pillows crashing onto me a few seconds later. I pulled myself out the duvet ready to murder the imbecile who hassled my sleep. I found Mina who had her sinister smile and a pillow aimed at me.

She announced, "Well the game starts."

1 hour later

"You girls are 25! Not 5 years old who cause trouble to their parents. When will you two brats learn to behave?" Chided my dad.
The next 20 minutes were filled with the disappointment of my parents in us lacking behaviour.

Us behaving like the screw balls we are, got us into trouble.

The screams, and yells and of course the whole mess we created in my room made my mum scream in horror. The dumb best friend of mine failed to close my room door. Our opera vocals did a good job in gaining my parents attention. Alarmed they rushed to my room with thoughts of some robber who had broken into my room. And to their shock we were looking like some crazy people, who escaped the asylum with the feathers and memory foam flying around in the room.

So, here we are, with our heads down, as my parents scolded both of us. Being scolded for our silly acts isn't new, but the pattern of causing trouble varies. I dashed to my room after the behaving session, to get ready for the day. We ate our breakfast and left for the hospital because I had an important case.

Zayn Aldricks

I was in my gym working out. My mind was wandering in thoughts about Mina. I didn't know why but she was on my mind after our first meeting. After her presentation I was looking for her but I heard that she left already. I was angry for some unknown reason. I comforted myself saying nothing is wrong with me and I was perfectly alright. But I myself know that is not true. I was intrested in her. I wanted to know more about her.

I said to myself, "I'm very eager to meet you Miss Mina Dawson." A smile carved my lips when I recalled her face. I made a call to my assistant, and made another appointment to meet Mina.

Jeon Jungkook

I sauntered towards Tae hyung's room. Last night I couldn't meet Tae hyung because I slept early. My brothers treat me like their little one. Though I loved the treatment when I was little, now it ticks me off. The treatment is still the same since my childhood. It's too much to the point where I am forced to drink milk before I hit the sack. Even last night, Jin hyung made sure I had dinner and my milk. He even checks my sleep schedule and feeds me fruits before I go to university.

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