I was breathless. Free. The blood rose was over— what the hell did that mean? I could see his eyes clearly now, his skin freshly plump and his cheeks filled in. He even had a slight hint of a tan to his complexion. It was true— they'd been cured. For a split second, I wondered if that meant those who died of it would come back, but death was death, and I'd just barely escaped it.

Hendric was still talking. I pulled myself out of my reverie to listen to him. "... Marched right up here to find the place completely destroyed. It looked like the storm had hit inside as well as out. Things were broken and burning, blood all in the snow. The others returned to Kinnot after Gabriel was killed."

"And the others? Mrs. Potter, Coggington?" Lumea? I grimaced at her name. Did he know what happened to her? How long had I been out?

Hendric nodded. "They're alright. Pretty ticked off about the state of the place and worried out of their minds about you, but they're fine."

I didn't realize how nervous I was to hear that until I felt myself ease back against the bed, the knots in my body unwinding. I studied him carefully. Did I bring up Lumea? Did I tell him what happened to her? And what about...

I swallowed and trod carefully with my next words. "A-And Beast?"

Hendric's smile twitched. One corner fell, then the other, and I felt like I died all over again. It was Kenji who spoke this time. "He was gone when we got here. We haven't seen him since that morning."

Tears welled in my eyes again. I was utterly aware that they were all watching me, but I didn't care. "How long have I been out?"

Sazi perched on the edge of my bed, still unsure of where she stood. "A week and a half. You were shot, Adaira. You lost a lot of blood."

I looked to Hendric in desperation. "And still nothing?" Tears strained my voice.

"Not a single sign." He grabbed my hand in both of his, kissing mine again and holding it to his lips. "I'm so sorry, Ada."

I muted my sobs before they could drown us all. Bromm and Sazi placed soft kisses to the top of my head, leaving to stay in another room down the hall. The grandfather clock in the room chimed ten o'clock in the evening. Kenji left to fetch Mrs. Potter, and they later returned with plates of food for the two of them and a bowl of steaming broth for me. We talked awhile before I mentioned I was tired again, and she left without hesitation. I pushed my untouched bowl of soup away and closed my eyes. I didn't open them again until I felt the familiar pressure of eyes boring into me. Tearing myself from my dream, I startled awake with Beast's name tumbling from my lips. Hendric and Kenji were spread out on the floor before the shrinking fire, but it wasn't their presence that forced me out of my sleep. When I let my gaze wander around the room, I froze on the culprit.

I'd only ever seen illustrations of Menda in the book Hendric had given me, but I knew now that none of them did her justice. With glowing tresses of solid gold rippling down her back and shoulders, and vibrant emerald eyes that seemed to look straight through me, she was exactly what I imagined a goddess to look like. Beautiful, perfect, and pure. Her pink lips were curved into a warm smile. Her light blue gown flowed around her in waves, the cuffs large and billowy as she sat on the edge of my bed and reached for my hand. Her touch sent exhilarating bursts of warmth through my veins. I gasped at the feeling and sighed. We studied each other for what seemed like an eternity before she chuckled lightly, and the sound of it was so sweet I found myself wanting to hear more.

"You've lived with a monster of tales for two months now, but you spook at the sight of a witch in your room," she said airily, her smile spreading. Her eyes gleamed in the dim light of the fire. "I suppose I would be frightened if the witch who cursed that monster in the first place was sitting on my bed. But I will tell you this: you will never have to be afraid of him ever again."

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