If only she knew how much I longed to just hold her in my arms. How much I wanted to call off the wedding. But how could I?

After all, I am just an adoptive son to my father. How could I repay his years of care with my betrayal? The thought of that had me on the edge for months. The longing to be with someone I could finally call my own versus the act of filial piety to my father. Of course, I had to choose the latter. I thought that after it all, I could properly explain the whole situation to her. But seeing how broken she was, there were many occasions where I was tempted to reveal everything. It seems like what I thought would happen did not exactly play out according to what I had in mind.

"We are here." Fredricks informed, cutting me from my thoughts. The two of us got down from the horse and headed over to the reception where a lady greeted us.

"Is there an Abbey Wellesley here." I shot.

"What?" The receptionist seemed taken aback by my question as she stared at two gentleman who appeared soaked to the bone.

"Abbey Wellesley. Is she here? Which room is she staying?" Fredricks cut in.

"I am sorry, but who are you? I am not allowed to provide information of guests to oth-"

"Clayton. Look carefully. My name is Nicholas Alexander Clayton." The lady studiously studied my features before realization struck her face.

"Pardon my manners, Sir, I was unable to recognize you."

With this much rain, who would?

"That is quite alright," evidently portraying that I was in no mood for small talk, "now, about Abbey. Is she here?"

"Abbey Wellesley? Yes sir, she just arrived about an hour ago." She replied.

"Which room?" The receptionist hesitated to give me an answer, probably contemplating if she should obey the hotel's policies or in giving me the information I needed.

"I have to see her. Please. It is urgent." After a few more seconds of contemplation, she finally spoke, "level three, room twenty-two."

"Thank you."

With Fredricks hot on my trail, I dashed up the stairs until I stood outside her door before knocking on it.

"Abbey, are you in there?" There was no answer. I proceeded to knock a few more times before calling her name, but only to be greeted with silence. This did not feel good at all. I knew that something must have happened. I looked to Fredricks who appeared to have the same premonition as I did. Not having the slightest care if I had awoken the hotel guests, I kicked down the door and entered the room.

The bedroom was empty. There was not a soul that could be found. I strolled across the room, making my way towards the bathroom which I knew for sure was empty. 

How wrong was I. 

As I opened the door, a figure came to view. There laid Abbey submerged underwater, with her eyes closed and arms afloat.

"Abbey!" I shouted, attracting Fredricks into the bath while I fished her out of the tub before placing her onto the floor. Her fair skin was now replaced by a pale shade of blue, while her once rosy-red lips turned into a deeper shade of purple. I reached for her wrist to feel her pulse. When I found none, I quickly applied pressure on her abdomen to pump the water out of her before expelling air into her mouth.

I need you, please do not leave me alone.

I continued this cycle for as long as I could, pushing through the exhaustion as I was determined to give her life.

"She is gone."

"No! She is still alive!" I spat, ignoring Fredricks. I continued pumping her stomach, looking for signs of consciousness, but only to be left disappointed when I was greeted with none.

I beg of you, Abbey. Please stay with me.

"She is gone, Nicholas!" Fredricks screamed as he forcefully pulled me away from her. I sat next to her cold and lifeless body, clutching my damp hair as I pulled my knees towards my chest. And then it hit me. The daunting truth.

"Let her go."

That mental battle of her being dead persisted. But the longer the silence ensued, the more I came to terms with the fact that she is dead.

"I should have told her," I bit on my lip to the point where blood could be tasted, "If only I have told her sooner." Hot tears streamed down my face while I tried my hardest to control the sorrow that quaked through my body.

I reached for her body once more, embracing her into my chest as I leaned my head against hers. "It is all my fault." I clutched her tightly, still hoping that she would miraculously wake up from the warmth of my body.

"We all are." Fredricks simply said with a slight waver in his voice.

I placed a soft kiss on her forehead, knowing that there will never be a day that goes by without me missing her. 

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