Some Lies and Some Bad News

Start from the beginning

"Who knows?" I said and ripped off a daisy from the flower-pot nearest to me. "No one's really out over here" I continued, the flower dying in my hand.

We were sitting on a ledge at the back of the school by the atrium. you have to be on the atrium's roof to get where we were. Aliz didn't complain at all about climbing walls and nearby trees which surprised me. She doesn't seem like the type who'd be fit, but she also doesn't seem like someone who is. Strange.

"So Charlie, are the rumors true?" she asked taking the daisy out of my hand and plucking the petals. As they left her clear painted fingernails they drifted down the ledge onto the concrete. When a breeze picked up they passed on by.The petals flew away..

"No, I did not steal the flowers out the girls bathroom, Megan just a fake lying bit-!"

"No, what? No, not that. I'll ask about the later, seems like an interesting tale. But no, I'm talking about the dude who dropped you off today. I saw his car from outside the entrances window. Heard his shirt was off, hot fellow indeed..." she explained.


"So, what's the rumor?" I asked, not sure about which ones she'd heard about yet.

"That.. he's your boyfriend." she informed.

I just replied with a "No way Aliz." I really didn't have much to say to that. To her. To anyone. The thing about rumors is that they all are irrelevant, meaningless, and pointless. I can really care less about them, I have nothing to prove. Why put my energy into clearing up a story some loser made up about me? Makes no sense to me.

I could hear students below us talking about some party that's gonna go on after school ends and when summer begins. They sound so joyful and enthusiastic, sort of like a kid going to Disney World. I've never been to a party nor Disney World. They both sound pretty fun.

A girl named Tallie jumped up and down yelling " We have to bring that. We're all leaving! It'll only make sense if we do..."

Aliz took out a piece of paper and grabbed a pen from her pocket and scribbled something down, struggling to write on her thigh. The pen ripping through the paper.

"What was that?" 'I asked gesturing towards the paper.

"Oh, I'm just writing down what she's talking about. The party that is. You see, I always go to the parties with no invites involved because I have this sort of hobby of figuring people out. Seeing them outside of school and all. Plus my dad, who thinks I'm a loner, encourages me to "socialize" so I can go out wherever I want. So why not stalk people at parties during the summer time" she amused.

I have a feeling she's not aware of how messed up that whole sentence sounded."So, you stalk people and get into their personal life at parties.? What do you do with that information?"

"Use it against them when the times right," she explained." Like last month, Ann and Jonathan were going out right?" she asked folding the paper in half.

"Yeah. They broke up last week. She was crying in the halls nearly falling over..." I recalled. Ann loved Jonathan and it doesn't matter who you were; teacher, student, janitor, substitute teacher, you would known that. And one day I remember seeing her ranting over something clearly important in the hallway, and then her crying and not being able to stand, and her friends trying to escort her to the bathroom.And later on that day that I heard that they broke up but no one knew who did what, which is why I'm very interested in what Aliz is about to share.

Aliz nodded recalling the moment herself."Well, I caused that I guess you can say. Ann is a sweet girl and all, but she just didn't deserve to be with Jonathan. He just isn't a good guy. At a party, last month I saw him kissing up on some black haired girl which could not have been Ann. I mean, she has blonde hair. So I took pictures of it and then later on I heard him talking about how annoying Ann was, and I couldn't take it. So, I wrote an anonymous note about him cheating on her and added the pictures of proof and slipped it into her locker." She sounded content with herself.

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