Chapter 2: Apart

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'Please don't make me leave Kevin!' 

Years later when Kevin was 15 and Lucy is 8, she comes home a little late from school, sneaking in the back door to go upstairs.

Kevin was in his room, shaking in his bed after getting beaten again.

"Hey Kevin" Lucy comes into his room and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Hey" he whispered.

"She hurt you again didn't she?"

"Please don't worry about me" he begged her.

"But I do because I care about you" she kisses his cheek and gives him a hug.

He sobbed quietly in her arms.

"Please don't cry, you're going to make me cry too" she sadly laughs.

He held onto her tightly.

"If you can't handle what's going on why don't you bring Dennis out?"

"I wanted to see you" he murmured softly before he relaxed as Dennis came into the light.

"Hi Dennis" she smiles.

"Hi Lucy" he whispered smiling back shyly.

"Are you and Kevin going back to school anytime soon?"

"Uhh...I, I don't know" he shrugged.

"I miss walking to the bus stop with you"

"I know me too...mother won't let us leave" he told her. "Why?" she asks looking concerned.

"She doesn't want us out of her sight"

"Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" he asked.

"Do you still let her do things to you, so it's not me she goes after?"

He nodded slowly "Sometimes" he told her truthfully.

"What do you let her do?" she asks scooting closer to him.

"Whatever she wants" he said feeling embarrassed.

"What like..kissing you?" she asks naively.

"Anything" he told her.

"I don't understand..but I do understand that when she used to suck on my skin really hard, it was really a hicky she was giving me. A girl at school told me what it was"

Dennis nodded "I'd rather it was me than you or Kevin" he told her.

"What's little Whore mean?" she suddenly asks.

"Why...who called you that?" he asked protectively.

"Mother did..when..she gave me hickies" she hesitates and blushes.

"Don't listen to her Lucy, your not what she called you" he told her comfortingly.

"I tried to be nice the other day by bringing her some flowers I picked and all she did was look at me strangely and asked me to bend over a moment.. so I did and she slapped my butt hard and told me to go to my room"

Dennis held her close "It would be best to stay away from her as much as possible, let me deal with her " he advised her.

She lays her head on his shoulder "Am I a whore?"

"No, your not Lucy" he reassured her.

A smile comes to her features and she snuggles against him, enjoying his warmth "Thank you"

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