Chapter 8

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Slowly I open my eyes. The room is dimmer than usual. The candles having burnt out. Christine lays asleep beside me.
She doesn't look like she's in the most comfortable position. So I carefully ease my self up. And gently ease her into my arms. Last time I carried her she was much more brittle and fragile. Now her bones are stronger. I'm glad I helped her get in health. As quietly as I possibly can I walk to her room. I'm slower and larger, as I'm holding her horizontally. I nearly bang her head on the door frame. I lay her down. I pull the red silk covers over her. She shivers as my heat leaves her. But I pull more blanket up around her. I kiss her forehead.
I go to my own room. Now that she's no longer close to me I feel colder as well. I never thought I had a particularly warm body. But I also never thought someone as wonderful as Christine would stay with me.
I settle into my own cold hard bed. The small coffin. One of the reasons I don't sleep with Christine here is I don't want her to see my terrible coffin-bed again. I had thought it was cool, but I guess not. Speaking of coffins, we should visit her father's grave sometime.
It takes me longer to fall asleep without her to hold. But I eventually do.

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