Chapter 2

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Erik's POV.
I lay her down on the bed I had made for her. Her eyes are closed. I think she fell asleep on the way. That or she is unconsious.
She looks terrible. She is bone thin, her face is sunken and shallow, the dress she wears is too large for her, but it's also ripped and caked in mud. Her cheeks are red, but covered in dirt and grime.
I pull the covers over her. I ease the tomato from her grip. I take my seat on the couch. I wait for her to wake.

Eventually she stirrs. She sits up in the bed. As her eyes adjust she looks around the room. When she her gaze falls on me her eyes widen. I stand up to help her.
"What am I doing here?" She asks, her voice is hard, and it sounds as though speaking scrapes her throat.
"Don't worry, you're alright." I assure.
"Do you have food?"
"Yes, I have lots." I bring her some breakfast. But she throws up most of it, her body isn't used to that much food.
"Come, I made a bath for you." I lead her to the bathroom.
"If you need anything, just yell."
I go to my music room. I practice my piano. I didn't want to make her, so I chose now to do it.
"Do you have something I could wear?" Her muffled voice comes from the bathroom.
I hadn't thought of that.
Quickly I head to my wardrobe. I pick out a few things. I leave them all at the door to the bathroom.

She comes out of the bathroom, her face is cleaner, and she smells much better. She wears one of my old shirts, it's very large on her, but it's tied with a belt. She also has a pair of my pants. I hadn't worn those in years, so they might fit her better.
"Thank you." She says.
"Do you need anything? You should probably wait before you eat."
"Can I sit?"
"Yes of course." She takes a seat on the couch, I sit down across from her.
"What happened?" I ask.
"Raoul got angry when I came here. He told me to leave. I couldn't get a job anywhere because of rumours her had spread."
"I'm sorry, this is my fault isn't it?"
"No, it's not your fault. It's mine I shouldn't have come here in the first place."
"You have all right to go where you want."
"I know, but Raoul didn't think that."
"Why didn't you come here. I would have helped you."
"I didn't want to. I didn't want you to abandon me."
"Why would I do that. Christine I would never abandon you. Why would you think that?"
"Raoul told me we would be together forever, he told me he wouldn't ever stop loving me. But here I am."
It was true. I had heard her and Raoul when they said they would love each other forever. I wanted to help her, but I didn't want to impose. So I kept my distance.
"You need rest." I tell her.
She nods, then stands up, but she grabs her side. And winces.
"Are you alright?" I ask.
"That man, he kicked me."
I don't want to get to close but there is a chance her ribs are bruised or cracked. I have to take a look.
I come closer to her.
"May I?" I bring my hand to her side, but I don't touch her.
She nods.
She slides the corner of her shirt up. I can see her ribs through her skin. There is a large purple bruise covering her side.
I brush the tip of my fingers to her skin. She flinches and winces again.
"I think it's broken." I say.
She carefully tucks her shirt back under the belt across her waist.
"I'm going to need to bandage it." I say.
I leave her, so I can find something to wrap her in. I find some old fabric. I rip it into strips and gently wind it around her torso.
Tears come to her eyes as she tries to stay still.
I'm careful not to come too close to her. Keeping a safe distance away.

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