Chapter 3

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When he finished he brought me to my bed. He didn't touch me, he just walked next to me. It was odd, the way he was acting. He refused to touch me at all, and yet he carried me yesterday.
I wonder how he found me. Had he been watching me? I think he would have tried to help me sooner if her had.
He seemed upset I hadn't come to him for help. But I didn't want to. I didn't want to come seeking his aid. He would take too much pride in it.
Raoul kept a grudge against him. But I was fine being his friend. He had let us go, and he had helped me with my singing after the opera house incident.
I layed down in my bed.
It was softer than anything I had known for a while.
Erik made me breakfast. It was still hard for me to hold down, but I felt better having eaten no matter what.
"Do you remember any of the dance routines Mme Giry used to teach you?" He asks me.
"I do, I don't know if I can do them though."
"You should try to practice them. It would improve your strength. But don't do anything too strenuous, and mind your ribs."
My ribs were aching terribly. I didn't want to cause a fuss, so I kept my pain to myself. I ran my fingers through my long brown hair. My fingers caught many thin knots before coming to the end, where the hair was matted and tangled.
"I need to do something about my hair." I mumble.
"I could cut it for you if you want?" He says. But he looked like he took it back instantly.
"I would appreciate that."
His look softened.
"I'll get some scissors." He stood up to fetch them. I took a sip from my glass of water.
I am beyond grateful that Erik will take care of me. The opera house is ruined, the mob did a number on it and so did Erik. So we don't have to worry about people coming down. I'm as much of an outcast as Erik, I don't know if Erik respects me more for it, or if he lost his high regard of me. But he seems to care.
He came back into the room. He seems worried. I don't know if he's ever cut someone's hair before.
"So how short do you want it?" He asks.
"As much as you can salvage." Which from what I can tell isn't much.
"Alright." He started examining my hair.
He placed him self behind me. Slowly he started clipping away at my hair. It was fairly saddening, I always took pride in my hair. It was always beautiful. But I would be in better shap afterwards. My hair could be my pride again. Once this whole nightmare was finished. Though I don't know what will be happening once I'm well. I think I might be stuck living with Erik. Which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. Though he may be stuck with me now, considering his previous attempts at my hand, he may be happy with this concept.
My hair was much shorter, it only came to my shoulders. I liked it though.

Do I Dream Again?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora