Chapter 1

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Christine's POV.
As quietly as I could, I locked the door behind me. Slowly I started walking up the stairs.
"Christine, we need to talk." Raoul's voice comes from the parlour.
He must have heard me coming in.
I made my way back downstairs. He was sitting in an old pink cushioned chair.
"Where were you?" He asked.
"I was, I went to..." I was worried he would be mad if I say.
"You went where?" He was starting to get angry.
"I went to the old opera house." I manage, trying not to look him in the eyes.
"What is at the Opera House that would require you sneaking out in the middle of the night?"
It appeared he already knew, so there was no real reason to lie.
"I don't know what you think. He told me to come, he is my singing teacher."
"That doesn't mean you should go!"
"I should be allowed to go if I wish."
"No, you're my fiancée, I can tell you where you go."
"Raoul I'm sorry bu-"
"No Christine, I trusted you, you lost that trust." he took a deep breath. "I want you to leave."
"I- what? Leave?"
"Go now, I can have my pick of anyone. You aren't special. You're just an Opera wench."
The words struck deeper than I would have thought. How could he? He swore to me he would stay, that we would love me for the rest of our lives, that the class difference didn't matter.
He swore to me?
"This is my house Christine, leave."
"Can I-"
"I bought those dresses for you, everything you own, you leave now, with only what you have."
He stood up. He was much taller than me, I didn't want to anger him anymore than he already was.
"Goodbye Raoul." I said, my voice cracking from the tears I would rather he didn't see. As I walked to the door he stands a few feet behind me, his arms crossed, with an expression I'dnever seen on his face before.
I opened the door. As soon as I was outside, he slammed the door behind me.
Where can I go now?
What can I do?
I know I could try going to Erik, but I don't know if he would help me. I would have to get a job at an opera house.
It had been a few months. I was cold, alone, tired, hungry.
I sat curled in a ball, mud covered my face and dress.
I lay against the side of a tall stone building. I couldn't sleep, even though it was the warmest evening in weeks. My stomach was aching. I needed food, if I wanted to make it through the week.
I have no money, so food isn't really an option, none of the opera houses would take me. Raoul had made a whole scandal. I didn't understand his anger. I was only taking singing lessons. It shouldn't have been a big deal.
I was getting hungrier. I stood up. My legs are not as strong as I had hoped. I wobbled. Leaning against the wall I made my way across the uneven ground.
There are market stalls not far from here. The wall was a bit uncomfortable, but I made it.
The man at the stall is old, and worn. His food didn't look much better, it's soft and mushy. But it was food.
I picked up a tomato.
"I'll have this please." I say, my voice is raspy. I probably would never sing again.
I passed the man a single coin.
"Sorry, this costs more than that." The man says.
"But on the sign it says it only costs-"
"No money no food."
"But sir please."
I bring the tomato to my chest holding it tight.
"Lady, hand over the tomato."
"But please!"
"Give it!"
His hand stings as it makes contact with my cheek. I fall backwards.
"Give it to me!" He kicked my ribs. I scream.
"The tomato it's mine." He roars..
He brings his leg back. Readying for a kick. But something happens, the man screams. He falls to the ground in front of me. A figure approches from behind him. The shadow is very tall. He wraps his arms around me, picking me up. I don't have the strength to fight, so I let him take me

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