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I'm sorry but that last chapter took a lot out of me I realise that many of you might be angry but listen, writing takes time and thought and I can't think fully right now. Another reason is I'm starting to read the book clan of the cave bear is a book that was made in the 1980s from the earth children series  by Jean M Auel.

the book it a about young cro Magon girl  named later named Ayla that loose her parents in a earthquake and it found by a clan of Neanderthals and she adopted by them this book clan of the cave bear is first out of five books which are squeals to it, I'm telling you this because I'm thinking of putting the main character Ayle or her  descendent in this story as seton academy student and might be replaced her with Anne the Neanderthal girl from seton academy in Chase harem , now I warn you from what my parents told me when I told them I was interested in reading it, I was told about some Dark themes I was already spoiled about a particular part involving the main character and a the Neanderthal named Broud in the which I really don't want to get into.

I also know that her and Chase would get along quit well and I really need read more so I can get the story better, but listen there are others stories on this, hell I'm waiting for the story A WEREWOLF JOINS THE PACK BY GAMEKINGHT008 to update.
I mean the story only has a chapter explaining a bit about the OC and one chapter in the story but I can tell it going to be good, hell if it updates for often it would most likely beat me in reads with in a mouth.

That's all I wanted to tell you I just need fresh ideas and more time sorry and have a good day

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