Chapter 5:shanagins ( extra added content)

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Author note: HOLY CRAP 1000 reads, I didn't think you like this that much, now you may be surprised by this chapter, well I got bored today and I had nothing better to do, I well do part two and three when I feel more motivated, I just happen to be today. And if you think these are fan made think again these are actually chapters from the manga read it, and have fun

(Chase POV)

During the past during weeks, things have been great and fun, a few days ago Ranka wanted to teach the rest of the school about cooking, since humans are the only species that's knows how to cook, Jin and me managed to help with what food each different animal likes because animals don't have the same taste as humans. And that's kids why Don't give curry to deer,after we got so many customers, the whole club dressed up in waitresses outfits, even Kurumi dressed joined in, which she denied that's she wanted to be here, but I can see she likes me, but I not know how to felt about it, she kept staring at me when ever I wasn't looking and still don't know if I like her back. But things went south when Ranka went mad with power, because of all the animals eating and thinking how big her 'pack' was growing, first it started with telling her sister ferryal to leave, who came to visit her, then when Miyubi fell on the floor and told her to get a grip, telling her she's number 6, it was then she told us she started ranking the cooking club the seven of us, Jin as her husband number 2, me as sub pack mate and co-boss number 3, Hitomi ex-boss 4, Yukari 5 and Miyubi 6 and Kurumi 7.

Obviously we were hurt by this, Yukari straight up left with Miyubi in with her, then Jin and Hitomi left, with Jin saying earlier that things were getting out of hand, and by some miracle I agreed with him on with Ranka's power. I went with them telling Ranka that and I quote

"I'm getting you out of this mess, your the Boss, tell me when some sense has entered your Brian Ranka" I told her in disappointment. We watched as Ranka tired to tell the other animals what to do, but they just straight up left when they were done eating, probably thinking this was a restaurant.

After we saw her in a gloomy state, she saw us started licking each one of of us, even Kurumi, who tried to runaway but Ranka was to fast and she was laying on the floor unconscious from the licking, she then apologised to us and saying she won't rank us anymore. Jin asked her why she wants to have a big pack, which she told us that it was her dream to be the boss of the whole world, which I shut down her down with saying that's literally impossible.

A few days after that, Chloe Mashima and her two donkey friends as her support challenged me and Jin in a game of magic donkey, which was card game like a similar  game I watch on tv, Jin just said straight up no and literally kicked them out, but Chloe was determined and managed to get herself half way in the door before Jin could shut it, Ranka then told Jin to let them in to hear what they have to say, Chloe then explained that if she wins she get ownership over the clubroom.
" you want us to play children's card game over our club room". I responded ( Author Note: I mean don't mean disrespect to Yu gi oh fans, I have a deck of those cards myself , I just wanted to us that joke) 

Chloe and her two donkey friends were annoyed by my response, saying that it's not a children card game and that it's fun and enjoyable, Jin then told them their was no reason for us to agree to that, but the three disagreed saying that it was unjustified for me slapping her and Jin flipping her skirt for everyone to see. Which I got pissed by the unjustified part and yelled "YOU WERE GOING TO HIT RANKA FOR SAYING SHE WISHING SHE JOIN A PACK WITH JIN, HOW IT THAT UNJUSTIFIED"  the donkeys and zebra jump by my outburst, thinking of a retort but then realised I was right and Chloe apologise to Ranka for her actions Ranka accepted the apology.

Chloe was still mad at Jin for flipping her skirt though, which I had to agree was a bit to far to do to a girl, I mean girls don't deserve that much,which Hitomi also agreed with.

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