What Happened!!

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It has been two weeks since Harry and Nessa moved in and the day before his birthday. So far he learned how to push someone out of his mind without knowing and some 7th year defence spells.  He is still contemplating to how he is going to tell Ron and Hermione. Should he rip the band-aid off and just send a letter or meet them at 9 3/4. "You know what Ness I am just going to come out and say it." Harry said while feeding Nessa who just gurgled in response. Nessa can know sit up with  help from Harry. She would fall right over. While Hedwig was entertaining Nessa he decided to start on the letter(he knew they were together). 

  A half an hour later he finished the letter. He told them only people under 25 can read the letter no one else would be able to. But he also warned them that if anyone else figured out their tongue would be locked on top of its mouth. Harry was kinda scared to see their reaction but super excited. Harry started to make dinner after watching Hedwig fly to were the Weasleys and Hermione were.

 Meanwhile at Number 12 Grimmauld place 

Hermione POV 

Dinner was served quite a bit of the Order was there everyone but Snape. All of the Weasleys were there,Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Kingsley, Dumbledore, McGonigal, Mad-eye, and a few more I didn't know. But we were all chatting happily when a white snowy owl swooped in."HEDWIG"  Ron,Ginny, Fred and George, and I, Yelled. We all ran up to see what he sent Hedwig for. We all gathered around the letter and when each of them finished they looked up. We all paled  and looked at each other We can't tell anyone but I know for sure I want to help.

No ones POV

The kids looked up slightly pale they all looked anxious. "What is it Dears." Mrs. Wesley asked calmly. They all looked at each other "Is anybody 25 or younger here"Hermione asked in a shaky voice. Tonks, Bill, and Charlie all raised their hands and oddly enough Remus started choking when Tonks raised her hand and Sirius started laughing his ass off. They brought the letter over to the three a told the to read it. 

When they were done they were wide eyed and pale. "What are we going to do?"asked Ginny. "I am going to the Ministry to see what the hell is going on" said Tonks. "I am going to the Burrow"said Bill. "And I am going to send a letter to Harry"said Charlie. "What is it Nymphadora" grumbled Mad-eye. "Don't call me Nymphadora"her hair turned red as bright as anyone has seen it with a expression that no one will fight against. "But I can't tell you I have work tomorrow" at that she apprated followed by Bill and Charlie ran up stairs to get a quill and parchment. 

They all came back at once Tonks with a file Bill with a bag and Charlie with a letter at hand and extra quills and parchment so the kids could write something. Tonks sat down reading a file with Bill looking at it to. While Charlie wrapping the letters together Remus caught a glimpse of what the cover said and started choking on his tea he was drinking. It said Nessa Grace Potter now everyone is now looking at him. "Tonks let me see the file." She hesitantly handed it to him. It took him a minute or to finish the file. "You can't tell anyone" Tonks told him with plead in her eyes that he knew to well. He handed back the file to her and stood up. "If you excuse me I have important business to attend to". "Your not going to the Dursleys are you?" Ron asked. "Gringotts" he apperated away. "What does the file say?" asked Sirius. "Nothing" said everyone who knew."why does Moony get to know" he retorted."He accidentally saw it." "Can I see it I am your boss" asked Kingsley. Tonks gave him the file and watched him go from calm to shock. "No one can see this." "Yes sir". "Does it involve Harry"asked Mr.Weasley Tonks slowly nodded. CRACK. Remus is back "Is Hedwig still here-"he say before seeing the snowy owl"-good I guessing I am not the only person who is sending stuff back". Charlie handed all the thing to Remus as he got the things ready to sent. Bill put the bag it the box of all shrunken things and gave it to Remus to hook it on to Hedwig.

While this was happening everyone was confused of what was going on. When they let Hedwig out to go back to Harry the were all looking rather confused. "If you don't mind me asking what is going on here." They all looked at each other and Fred and George stood up "Sorry you guys can't know-" "-You guys are to old" all the kids looked smug. "Also Accio file" The file flew into Freds hands. "Fred give that back it is not yours" said Mrs. Weasley. "Your right it is Harry's and were his best friends" Ron retorted and Hermione looked through the paperwork. "Hey Fred George can you charm this so no one can open this if you 'know the right words'" she said hoping he would get the hint. "Of course our dearest bookworm" the muttered a few words and no one could open it. Mrs.Weasley pulled the kids aside for a moment. "Can you give me a hint of what this is about."Molly said desperately."Well one second-"they wrote something on the file and showed in to her. It said Nessa Grace Potter Molly Weasley's first grandchild. when she was done she was silent her face was pale to red in seconds. People noticed this and Remus comes to give her an explanation. "Give her the file" George opened the file for his mother read. Her face went from angry to shock to happiness. Everyone knows she will be making many sweaters for her.            

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