Chapter 19

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Time skip: Remi is 6 weeks old.

Hero's pov
I'm sitting on the couch, holding Remi, while Georgies head is on my chest as she watches TV. I decided to let Jo sleep a little longer, take both of the girls downstairs, feed them, and let them have some daddy time. My 'daddy time' gets interrupted by Jo's sweet voice. ' Guess what ' she says, a few tears on her cheek. ' What? Are you okay? ' i say worried. Jo sits down next to me and gently strokes Remi's cheek. ' My mom just called, Katherine gave birth. He's perfectly healthy, and his name is Olton ' Jo says with a smile. ' So, we are officially an aunt and uncle ' i say with a smile. ' Yes, we are ' Jo says with a soft voice, as she places Remi on her own chest. ' When do you want to go to Perth? ' i ask her. ' Well, Remi is allowed to fly, so i want to go ASAP, like in a few days. Not only do i want to meet my nephew, i also want to show my family our gorgeous daughter in real life ' she says with a small smile. ' I'll try to book the first flight possible, we can leave this week, is that okay? ' i say. ' That would be great ' she says before she kisses my lips.

4 days later
' Hero, can you help me? ' i hear Jo say from the bedroom, and i'm in there in only a few seconds. I see Jo struggling with the k-tan and help her. ' You're good now ' i say before i give Jo a quick kiss on her lips. ' Georgie is ready, our suitcases are in the car, so we're all done, are you ready to go? ' i say with a small smile. ' Yes, i am ' Jo says, trying not to sound nervous, but fails miserably. We need to be at the airport at 8 am, and we board at 11 am. It's the most crowded time at Heathrow, and Jo and me are a little scared that there will be lots of paparazzi and fans. We love our fans, most of them, but some of them seem to forget that our kids actually have privacy and that they shouldn't photograph them. Even though it'll be crowded, Jo insisted on this flight. She just wants to go to Australia, and i can't blame her. Her mom and sister haven't met Remi yet and we haven't seen them for months, so we booked this flight and will be there in 30 hours.

I'm holding Georgies hand in one of my hands, and a suitcase in my other hand, and Jo has Remi in the K-tan and a suitcase in one of her hands. As we're walking to the TSA, we hear a bunch of clicks. Shit. Paparazzi. ' Josephine, Hero, can i please see her face, show me, fans will love it! ' one of the idiots screams. Of course they want to see her face. With both Georgie and Remi we didn't reveal their precious faces in the announcement photo, because we want to give them as much privacy as possible. Jo and i ignore the people snapping pictures of us and try to get to the TSA. That's until i feel a hard tug on my arm, and i turn to see one of the lunatics holding Georgies arm, trying to get a picture of her. You can do a whole lot, but touch one of my three girls and you are dead. ' Keep your hands of daughter, you asshole ' i say with a harsh voice, and get Georgie out of his grip. ' Jesus, i was just trying to take a picture of her ' he says annoyed, almost pushing me over the edge. ' Don't lay a finger on my daughter, now back off ' i say, pissed off, the idiot still close to us. I pick Georgie up, grab Jo's hand, and quickly walk away.

' There are no bruises on her arm ' i sigh relieved. Jo hasn't said anything since our eventful entry and stares at the planes outside. ' I feel so guilty ' she whispers after a few more minutes of silence, and looks down at both Georgie and Remi, who are both asleep on either one of our chests. ' Jo, this isn't your fault ' i say quietly. ' Yes, it kinda is. We've brought them into this cruel world, which is even more cruel when your parents are well known actors. What'll happen if she goes to school in a few years, we can't control what happens there! I wish i would've been a better mom ' Jo whispers. ' Jo, stop it. This isn't your fault. You are an incredible mom, the best they could ever wish for. Don't say that, ever again ' i say before i kiss her head. ' I love you so much ' i say with a small smile. ' I love you more ' she replies wholeheartedly.

23 hours later - Jo's pov
' Welcome to Australia Remi ' i say as i kiss her temple. ' Mommy is home? ' Georgie says with a sweet smile. ' Mommy is only home when you three are around ' i say with a smile. The way that little clone of Hero warms my heart is indescribable. I hold her hand with one of my hands, while the other one strokes Remi's cheek, who is still in the K-tan. She has slept on Hero's chest for a few hours, but she wanted to be close to me, and was really calm, which i really appreciate. ' Our rental car is right over there, let's go ' Hero says and walks towards the car, carrying our luggage. The drive to my moms house is only 16 minutes, but since i'm a pretty impatient person, i tell Hero to hurry up quite much. ' Jo, a 3 minute difference doesn't matter, okay? She'll meet Remi in only a few minutes ' Hero says as he rests his hand on my thigh and i give up the fight. It'll be okay.

As i'm getting Remi out of her seat, i hear my mom. ' Josie, Hero! ' my mom squeals and rushes over to us. ' Let me see my beautiful little girl ' my mom says and strokes her cheek. Remi is startled a little first, but when she recognizes my moms voice, she smiles. Georgie comes running towards us and hugs my moms legs. My mom quickly places her on her hip and give her a long hug. ' Grandma missed you ' my mom says, with a bright smile. My mom gives Hero a hug before we go inside. ' Katherine said she'll be here in about 15 minutes. I can watch these two adorable humans while you guys bring your bags upstairs ' my mom says with a smile. Hero hands Remi to her, and we bring our bags upstairs.

As soon as we're unpacked, i sit down on the bed, look around the room and smile. ' I missed this so much ' i sigh, with a hint of guilt. ' I know this will always be home to you, don't feel guilty ' Hero says while staring at floor. ' Home is only where i'm with our little family, don't forget that ' i say and squeeze his hand. ' I know, but would you ever consider moving here? ' Hero ask me. ' I guess not. I love Australia, but London also has a special place in my heart. I just feel like i'd rather raise them in London, than here. London is only 9 hours from America, while Australia is 17 hours. Even though home is only where you three are, London is my favorite place, and i know it yours too ' i say with a soft smile. ' I'm the luckiest man on earth to have you ' Hero says before he kisses me.

' He is gorgeous Kat ' i say, looking at my nephew. ' And so is Remi, i'm so glad i can finally hold her ' Katherine says with a smile. I pass Olton to Hero, and walk over to Katherine, and sit down next to her. ' Where is James ' i softly ask, while stroking my daughters cheek. ' It, uhm, it didn't work out. He was interested in someone else ' she states blankly. ' What? ' i say confused. ' He was messing around with someone else, and he wanted a future with her, not with me nor him ' she says, letting go a single tear while looking at her son. ' I haven't told mom yet, so please, do me a favor and don't say anything ' she says. ' Has he seen him ' i ask her, anger bubbling inside me now. ' No, he wasn't even there when i gave birth. He came 'home' 2 days after he was born, and told me he was leaving. He grabbed a few shirts, and didn't even bother to see his son ' she says, clearly hurt. ' I'm so sorry Katherine, i'm rubbing my perfect family in your face now, aren't i? ' i say, evening Hero who holds Olton, and Georgie next to him, who gives her cousin a kiss on his cheek. They look adorable. ' I actually enjoy seeing you guys together, i know that i'll someday have a loving family ' she says with a genuine smile.

We spend the rest of the week talking about Katherine and her future, and doing fun things. My mom babysat our girls for a night, so we could have some much needed alone time. We're now on our plane back home, and even though i'll miss my family, i can't wait to be back in London. In our own house, with our own family. I never imagined my life would turn out like this, but i'm beyond happy that it did.

hi guys! sorry for not uploading, i'm crazy busy with school! about school: i might move to America next year for 10 months to go to school there, and i'm so excited, hoping for the best! will you guys cross your fingers for me too?
next chapter will be the last, so, prepare yourself!
i think i'll write a new herophine fanfic, i already have some ideas, so stay tuned!
thank you guys for reading, don't forget to VOTE or comment!
i love you all, and stay safe! 💜

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