Chapter 4

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Josephines pov
' Jo, come on, we really have to go! ' i hear Hero yelling downstairs. ' Just one more minute! ' i yell back. I think i've been spending about 20 minutes in our bathroom just looking in the mirror, walking back and forth and trying to calm myself down. I don't know why i'm so stressed, probably because haven't felt the baby's first kick. I'm still not completely sure the baby is healthy, so feeling it kick would help, a lot. After a few minutes i hear a soft knock on the door. ' Jo, are you okay? ' i hear Hero says. I open the door and walk into his arms. ' I'm just scared, something can still be wrong ' i say. He pecks my lips and says ' Jo, whatever happens, we'll get through it, okay? '.

Hero's pov
I feel Jo's tense hand in mine when we walk into the room. After the OB greeted us, she asks Jo if she can lay down and raise her shirt. She once again tells Jo the gel will be cold, rubs the gel over her stomach and places the ultrasound scanner on Jo's bump. I see a small, but moving baby appear on the screen and so does Jo. I feel her hand relax immediately and i see her smile. After the OB checked everything she looks at us. ' Well, Josephine, i can tell you you are carrying a really healthy baby, that knows exactly what to do and how to grow. Would you guys like to know what you're having? ' she asks us. ' Yes, we want to ' we say in unison. I squeeze Jo's hand as we look at the OB, waiting for her to tell us if we're having a boy or girl. ' I can congratulate you guys on having a... girl! I have another appointment, so i have to go, but you guys can pick up the pictures at the front desk. Once again congratulations, have a nice day, goodbye! ' she says as she leaves the room.

Once again, we were dumbfounded and not able to find words. After i close the front door i pull Jo in for a hug. We both cry, happy tears. After a minute of holding Jo close to me, i pull away a little to be able to kiss her. ' I can't believe we're having a little girl ' Jo chokes out after we part for air. ' Me neither, i'll have another version of the girl i love most. But now i'll be able to learn her play soccer! ' we both laugh. ' Good for you, but i'll do her hair and pick her clothes, deal? ' she says while smiling. ' Deal, i love you ' i say. ' I love you too ' Jo says before we hear a knock on the door. I walk over to the door, Jo walking right behind me. When i open the door i'm a little shocked. ' Hey guys! '.

Josephines pov
I hear Anna's voice. Anna? F'ck, what is she doing here? Hero let's her in, while i stand just a few feet behind him, in a tight shirt, which clearly shows my bump . I panic, trying to make an excuse to get out. ' Hey guys, i thought i would surprise, since we didn't see each other for at least 1 month, how are you do- ' Anna says before she looks down a little more and abruptly stops talking. ' Hi Anna ' i say shyly. She smiles softly at me before pulling me into a hug. ' Congratulations guys! I'm so happy for you both ' Anna says after giving Hero a hug also. ' Tell me everything! '.

After we told Anna everything, from my sudden passing out to throwing up every day to struggling how to tell everybody to how for along i am, she smiles at us. I guess her smile is even bigger then when we told her about us being together or about our engagement. ' What do you think you're having? ' she asks us with a grin on her face. ' Well, we actually just found out what we're having, like 45 minutes ago ' Hero says making Anna's jaw drop to the ground, and causing me to laugh. ' We thought we we're having a boy, but we were wrong, we're having a girl! ' i continue. ' No way! This is amazing guys! ' Anna says smiling. ' Well Anna, there's one thing about this that's not so amazing ' i say, almost whispering. Hero squeezes my hand in encouragement, before i continue. ' What is it Jo? ' Anna says worried. ' I'm due May 14th, in the middle of filming AWF . I'm so sorry '. Anna looks at me, laughing. Why is she laughing? ' Nonsense Jo! We'll postpone filming, to whenever you're ready to film again. I have a meeting with Jenny in a few hours, i think it's best if you guys tell her yourself, so i'll send you the details later, but really, it's no problem. I'm so happy for you both! ' she says before pulling us into a hug. ' I have to go, i have a meeting with someone, but i'll see you guys soon, bye! ' she says before Hero walks her out. When he comes back after a few seconds, he places his hands on my shoulders, and gives me a kiss on my cheek. ' What are you doing? ' he asks me with a smile. ' I'm just trying to find some inspiration for her room. I was thinking about grey/black and dusty pink, are you okay with that? ' i ask him. ' I'm more than okay with that ' he says before kissing my lips. When we pull away i smile slightly. ' It feels so surreal ' i say with a soft voice. ' I know, but surreal in an amazing way '.

Hero's pov
' It should be here ' Jo says a little tense while holding my hand. Anna wanted us to come to the meeting with Jenny, so we could tell her about Jo's pregnancy and the need of postponing filming. I'm not really worried, but Jo is. Jenny isn't too fond of Jo, and always says she rather had the first Tessa, Julia, as the lead role. Whatever happens, i'll make sure that it'll be fine in the end. My thoughts get interrupted by Anna greeting us. ' Hey guys! Glad you made it, come inside! ' Anna says with a big smile. We walk inside and sit down, never letting go of each other's hand. When Jenny walks in, i feel Jo's hand stiffen. Jenny and Anna sit down and we casually start talking about filming. After a few minutes there's a moment of silence between us and Jo starts talking. ' Jenny, we need to tell you something. I'll say sorry in advance. Hero and i are expecting a baby, i'm due May 14th ' Jo takes a break for a few seconds and i look at Jenny. She's already not having it, at least, that's what her face shows me. ' Continue Jo ' Anna says to her in a soft tone. ' So, i think it's for the best that we postpone filming ' Jo says, almost whispering. Jenny clears her throat and looks at Jo, with a furious expression. ' You know what i think is for the best Josephine? That i call Julia right the hell now and ask her to play Tessa, or that you make an appointment to get rid of this baby. I've had it with you. You distracted Hero every single day on set, just to make my job harder. I'm not gonna work with you any longer, who the hell do you think i am?! ' she scoffs. Tears are streaming down Jo's face and i'm ready to kill Jenny. I have zero mercy for her now and i'll show her. Just as i want to start yelling at that ... , well call her whatever you want to call her, Anna looks at me and mouths ' no '. She walks over to the door and opens it. ' You know what Jenny, we don't want to work with you either. Don't let the door hit on the way out. ' Anna says with zero emotion. After Jenny stormed out of the room, Anna and i both rush over to Jo to comfort her. She's almost in shock, and her tears don't stop rolling. I pull her into a hug while Anna softly rubs her back. ' Why do i always ruin everything ' she says while burying her head even deeper into my chest. ' Jo, you don't ruin anything, actually, i've been going back and forth between firing Jenny ever since filming After. She kept saying mean things about you, even behind you're back. Without you, there's no After, AWC, AWF or AEH. I'll wait months, even years. I want you guys to have time, and enjoy the experience of becoming parents to the fullest. So Jo, knowing the person you are, please don't overthink this, okay? ' Anna says softly before pulling Jo into a hug. ' Oh and Jo, if you ever need anyone to shop with for your little girl, besides Hero, i'm always here, you know that right? '. Jo laughs before she answer. ' Of course, thank you Anna, we love you, we'll see you after our trip, okay? ' Jo says to her. We say our goodbyes and we drive back home. I still feel how tense Jo is, by events that happened earlier. I just hope she won't let Jenny's harsh and hateful words get to her.

I climb under the sheets and wrap my arms around Jo's waist, and place one hand on her bump. ' Jo, are you okay? Please don't let her stupid words get to you ' i say while caressing her hair. ' I won't, even though it's hard, i won't. I won't let her ruin this day, nor this special time in our lives ' she replies. How is she so incredibly strong? I'm engaged to this girl; how lucky am i!? ' You're so strong Jo, it's one of the reasons i love you so much ' i say before kissing her on the lips. ' I love you more ' Jo says. ' Not possible ' i say before we fall asleep in each other's arms.

yay! Jo & Hero are having a little girl!
thank you so much for reading, and don't forget to vote or leave a reaction ( tell me if you have any ideas or improvements, or just that you like the chapter )
in chapter 5 they'll start their trip, off to: Perth!
what'll happen with Jo's dad?
That's for me to know and for you to find out!
Thank you all, and stay safe 💜

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