Chapter 1

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Josephines pov
I wake up to the sound of an opening front door. ' Jo, baby, i'm home! ' i hear as i almost fly down the stairs. I finally see him standing in the hall. I run into his arms and bury my head into his chest. I realize i'm crying when Hero wipes his thumb across my cheek. ' I know you missed me, but crying? ' he says laughing. I chuckle. ' Yeah, i've been an emotional wreck for the past days, but i guess i'm just really happy you're finally home ' i say before i my press my lips against his. It's a passionate and sweet kiss at first, but after a few seconds it turns into a hungry and lustful make-out. As we stumble to the couch i don't feel the usual heat rising in my body. We continue to make-out, but i still don't feel the heat rising. I must have been so distracted that Hero stops kissing me and asks me if i'm okay. ' I-i i'm sorry, i'm not feeling great. I've been feeling sick for days, i thought i was getting better, but i'm not, i'm so sorry Hero, i- ' he interrupts me by pulling me in to a hug. ' Jo, it's totally fine, but promise me you'll see a doctor, okay? '. I answer him with a nod and a smile and peck his lips. ' Let's unpack your bags, and eat some food. '

As were walking up the stairs i feel myself loosing control of my balance, and feeling dizzy. I grab the railing and stop walking, but it doesn't help. ' Hero, i'm gonna pass out ' i whisper. He turns his head around as he says ' What did you say? '. I try to say it again, but i already feel my legs weakening. Then everything goes black.

Hero's pov
' What did you say? ' i ask a little concerned as i see Jo holding onto the railing trying to find her balance. I see her legs trembling and i start walking towards Jo. I see her trying to repeat what she just said but she falls and shuts her eyes. I start running. ' Josephine, Josephine! '. Did she just pass out? I'm shaking her shoulders, in an attempt to wake her. I frantically search for my phone and call 911 after i found it. ' 911, what's your emergency? '. ' I think my fiancé just passed out, and i don't think she's breathing in a constant pace either '. I feel the tears running down my cheeks as i tell her our address and some other information, i end the call and start waiting for the ambulance. I hold Jo close to me as i still try to wake her. I hear the sirens nearing our house and i pick Jo up and place her on the couch. I see the ambulance parking in front of our house and i rush to the door. The EMTS and a doctor rush over to Jo, and start to examine her. After a few minutes her eyes finally flutter open. I rush over to her and pull her into a hug. ' Don't you dare to ever scare me like that again ' i say as she rests her head on my chest. I can somehow feel how tired Jo is. The EMTS leave, and its just me, Jo and the doctor. ' Well miss Langford, congratulations! '.

Jo's brows knit in confusion, and i do the same. ' Congratulations on what? ' Jo says. ' On your pregnancy! I can't tell you how far along you are exactly, but i think its save to say you're around 7/8 weeks pregnant. That's it for now, but promise me you'll see an OB ASAP, okay? ' she says with a smile. I see an overwhelmed Jo searching for words, but after a few seconds she still isn't able to find them. ' She will, thank you miss Dr. Johnson '. I walk her out and return to the living room. Jo manages to say an ' i'm so sorry ' before she breaks down. She looks frightened, and fragile. The most fragile i've probably ever seen her. I walk over to her and pull her into a hug. ' Jo, why are you crying, why are you so upset ' i say in a soft voice. ' Well, b-because i-i, because i'm sorry Hero, i-i never intended on getting pregnant a-and pushing you into parenthood at this age...' she whispers against my chest. ' Aren't you happy or excited Jo? ' i ask her. ' I don't know, should i feel happy? I'm shocked, and i would totally understand if you'd leave m- '. I interrupt her immediately. ' Leave you? For what? Jo, i love you. Yes, i'm shocked, but hell am i excited. You're pregnant! You're pregnant with my baby, our baby! '. She looks at me, a little confused. ' So, you're not mad at me? You're not absolutely going insane about the fact that i actually have a baby inside of me that we didn't plan on having this soon? '. I look into her beautiful blue eyes for a few, then answer her. ' No, i'm not mad at all, i'm actually over the moon. I'm having a baby with the most beautiful girl in the world, who i can call my fiancé. ' I wipe her new tears away as she says ' I love you, so much. '. I cup her face with my hands and place a kiss on her lips. ' I love you too. ' I can feel her smile against my lips. ' I can't believe we're having a baby '. I lock her eyes with mine. ' Neither can i '.

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