Chapter 7

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Time skip: Jo is 28 weeks pregnant and they just moved to London.

Josephines pov
' Hero, we should post our announcement ASAP. Some people saw us at the airport yesterday, and there's a lot of speculation ' i say a little tense. We could've posted it weeks ago, ever since all of our friends knew, but we wanted to keep it to ourselves a little longer. ' Okay, if you want to post it now, we'll post it now ' he says before he kisses me. After we part for air, i start looking for my phone. A pregnancy brain and a home filled with boxes doesn't really help. After i found it, i open instagram in the first time for months and look for the photo we took just before we left LA. It's a black and white photo, Hero and me kissing, with his hand on my bare bump. It's a beautiful picture, probably one of my favorites. Hero and i both post the same picture, without any caption at the same time. ' Now we just have to wait till this picture breaks the internet ' Hero says before kissing me.

Hero and i power off our phones and start unpacking. Since our LA home is rentable, we needed to leave most of our furniture, except from our bed, there. All our new furniture arrived this morning, and we need to unpack everything and set it up. I'm not that excited for most of the furniture, but i can't wait for all the baby furniture. I asked Martha and Mercy to help me with painting her room, and setting up all of her furniture, like her crib and changing table. Before we left LA Hero and i ordered all of the furniture we needed/wanted. We decided to paint all of her walls grey, expect for one, that one will be dusty pink. All of the furniture is a dark grey/black color, and her floor is white, the same color as the rug we ordered. George will help Hero with painting the walls, and that's it. Our house is perfect except for a few walls. But first we got to unpack some boxes, set up our bed and couch so we have something to sit on and sleep in. After unpacking a few boxes, my back starts to hurt like hell. Lucky for me, Hero set the couch up already and i'm able to sit down for a minute. ' Jo, i told you, i don't want you to do anything that'll make your back hurt, or any other part of your body ' he says in a soft but stern voice. I hear my phone ringing, a facetime call from Anna. ' It's Anna ' i say before answering her ' Hey guys, how are you doing? ' she says cheerful. ' We're great, how are you? ' we say in unison, smiling. ' I'm great, just a little sad you guys don't live near me anymore, but i'll visit you guys soon. By the way, you guys definitely broke the internet! ' she says with a smile. ' Yeah, i had a feeling ' i chuckle. ' The fans are going absolutely crazy, and the media too! I think i've seen about 25 articles in 30 minutes ' Anna says. ' We haven't seen anything yet, we're a little busy unpacking ' Hero laughs. We make some more small talk, and then exchange goodbyes with Anna. ' I still feel a little bad about moving away, especially with Anna ' i say, thinking about the special bond we have with her. ' Jo, remember what Anna said, as long as we're happy, she's happy. We'll see her as much as possible, don't forget that, okay? ' he says before giving me a kiss. I walk over to one of the boxes, but Hero gently places me back on the couch. ' Jo, please, let me. Take a nap, i know you're tired. I can do this on my own ' Hero says before giving me a blanket and placing a kiss on my forehead.

When i wake up, it's already dark outside. I try to find Hero, but he's nowhere to be found downstairs. I walk upstairs, with hope to find him there. After i took a look in our bedroom ,with no Hero, i walk over to our little girls room. There he is. Placing the furniture, he set up in just a few hours, where we said we wanted to place it during the tour. ' You still remembered what i had in mind for her room ' i say as i walk over to him and give him a kiss. ' Of course i did, how could i forget ' he says smiling. I take a look around the nursery and think about how it'll look in the end. ' It isn't even finished yet, but it already looks perfect ' i say while a smile creeps onto my face. ' I can't believe that this crib will be filled with a tiny human ' he says pulling me into a hug. I place a hand on my bump, and after a few seconds i feel Hero place his hand over mine. ' Neither can i ' i say, just seconds before i feel her kick me, in my ribs, really hard. I wince at the pain she causes and bury my head into Hero's chest. He can't help but laugh a little at me trying to calm myself down after being kicked by my own child. ' Next time you get pregnant ' i say, still feeling the pain in my ribs. ' Sure Jo ' he laughs.

this was meant to be - herophine fanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt