Chapter Nine: Down with the King part 2

Start from the beginning

Back to Ajax

Ajax is still attacking Azaad as he continues to scream in pain, "Alright, enough hurting him, he deserves to die" Ajax said
"No, wait, I won't tell anyone." Azaad said
"Those are the last words you'll ever speak Cheetah." Ajax said
Ajax prepares to bite Azaad in the neck to choke him, he suddenly hears Fuli's voice, "It won't be the last words." she said
"Fuli?" Azaad looks at the trees to see Fuli running out of the forest. "Fuli, I need you." Azzad said
"Leave him alone." Fuli ordered
Fuli strikes Ajax knocking him off of Azaad, Kion and the rest of the group besides Rani and Anga, runs out of the forest. "Rawr, you and the others take them, I will take care of these two cheetahs." Ajax ordered." Ajax fights Fuli and he is winning
Kion sees Rawr and then roars at Rawr and the lions making them fly away, then he sees Ajax has knocked down Fuli, Kion fills with rage, "Fuli, no" he said, then Kion roars in anger at Ajax, but Ajax sees the roar coming to him, then he roars forming a shield in front of him but Kion's roars is too powerful, it breaks Ajax's shield and hitting Ajax flying him out of the the lands. Rawr and the other lions run away, Kion runs to Fuli, "Are you okay Fuli?" he askes
"I am, but I am not sure about Azaad." Fuli said
Kion sees Azaad laying in pain, "Azaad, how's bad the pain?" he asked
Azaad is in too much pain to speak, Kion notices, "Beshte, bring him to the tree" Kion said
Beshte picks up Azaad and brings him to the tree, Rani runs to see that the fight was over, then she runs to Kion, "Is Azaad okay?" she asked
Kion shakes his head, "Ajax has injured Azaad's leg even further."
"I'll go get Nirmala." Rani said.

Kion enters the tree to see Azaad still tensing up, a few minutes later, Rani walks in with Nirmala, "What happened here?" she asked
"Ajax is what happened." Fuli said
"Here, I'll take a look." Nirmala looks at Azaad's leg, it's more damaged then it was before but it's still treatable, "I can heal it, but of course, it will need more time for it to heal fully." Nirmala grabs some leaves and a stick, Ezekiel came with some water in his hands, before Nirmala wraps the leaves on his leg, Azaad starts to lose focus from his pain and his eyes begin to close "Azaad, don't let go." Fuli asked
Nirmala takes a look at his face, "The pain is too much for him, he's passing out" Nirmala said
Azaad passes out from the pain, wraps the leaves on Azaad's leg, the she pours water on the leaves, after Nirmala uses puts her paw on the roots, it glow red, then she puts her other paw on Azaad's leg, his leg heals back to the way it was.
"Uh, worked better then I thought." Nirmala said
a few minutes later, Azaad wakes up "Uh, what happened?" he asked
"You were attacked by Ajax." Nirmala said
"Wait, him, before he attacked, I saw him inside the tree" Azaad said
"Wait, what was he doing in here, what did he want?" Rani asked
"When I walked in here, I saw him carrying an orb, it was dark red, and those roots, they had wired green waves." Azaad said
"Wait, green waves." Nirmala said
"Green waves, I think the two orbs detected each other, now since Ajax now knows that their is another orb, we need to protect it, who knows what he can do with two of them." Ezekiel said
"So there are two orbs, not just the ones in the roots, but Ajax has another orb, tell me more about this." Kion ordered
"Okay, there is actually three orbs, and I have the third one, I've made all three of them, the first one, the orb of darkness, it was meant to resurrect the ones who died too early, but it deemed, it worked too well, but it corrupts your mind and gives you unimaginable power and it was too dangerous to keep around other animals so I hid in a temple where no one could find it, set a lot of traps if someone does manage to get in." Ezekiel explained
"So, the power that the orb gave Ajax is the roar?" Kion asked
"I think so, there is no other way that Ajax has that roar." Ezekiel said
"So, the roar, all we have to do is take it away from him." Rani said
"It's not that easy, he has to give up the orb willingly."
"Okay, that is going to be harder then expected, what about the other two orbs." Kion said
"Alright, when I went off on my own to do my experiments, I created another orb, it wasn't as powerful as the first one, but it does heal animals, I tried to see if it worked well, but then I noticed that it couldn't heal injuries directly, then I noticed that this tree was perfect to hold this orb and give it power to heal, so I gave it to Jenna so that she could heal animals in need. that orb was safe with her." Ezekiel explained
"Okay, the orb of healing, we can't heal animals without it." Rani said
"yes, a now the third one." Ezekiel stomps his staff down revealing the orb of Mystery, "When I realized that Ajax has the orb of darkness, I knew something had to be done, so I created this orb, it was meant to counter Ajax's power, it works so far, and I can do a lot of things with it, like bring out lions of the past." Ezekiel explained
"Alright, we need to keep these two orbs safe, wait a second, could the orb of darkness resurrect evil lions too?" Kion asked
"Yes it can, to rise the good lions, the sun needs to be visible during a partly cloudy day." Ezekiel said.
"And I guess that the bad lions needs to be resurrected at night with the moon being visible?" Kion asked
"Not that simple Kion, the moon is involved, but it needs to be done during a total solar eclipse when the sun is at it's highest point, but the next solar eclipse is many days away so we don't have to worry about it." Ezekiel said
"Alright, you guys continue talking, I got to rest." Nirmala walks out of the tree to turn back in.
"Alright, Fuli, you got to keep Azaad away from Ajax when he comes back into the land, he knows something that he is not suppose to know." Rani ordered.
"Alright, queen Rani."
"Azaad, try to stay away from the mountain pass if Ajax decided to suddenly attack the Tree of Life again." Rani said
Azaad nods at Rani, "Alright Rani, I will." Azaad said
Everyone walks out of the tree of life, sees all the animals walking around like nothing has happened.

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