Thank you.

7.2K 178 166

So this is the final ending.
I hope you enjoyed!

I just really want to thank everyone who supported both this book and the very first, it truly means so much to me, it's just so insane to see how far this story has gone.

When I started the first Social Media book I honestly didn't think it would go anywhere. I used it as an escape, something to keep me busy whilst so many other things were going on in my life. I truly never imagined for the first book to surpass 400k reads! It honestly feels so surreal.

You're all so lovely and kind, and I want to thank you once again for reading. I love you all🥺

If you'd like I have a couple other books you can check out on my page💗

Social Media 2 (Larry Stylinson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz