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"Fucking twat!" Echoed from the phone so loudly that Harry had to pull it away from his ear to ease the initial shock. More profanities followed soon after that, so Harry just sat and listened while he waited for them to stop, or at least he hoped they'd stop.

The sound of the bedroom door creaking open caused him to look up from where he was sat gazing down at the floorboards beneath his feet. He smiled brightly at the familiar figure that made it's way into the small room with two cups of tea in hand.

"Here you are love." Louis spoke, his voice gentle and soft, as he handed Harry a painted mug, "Who's on the phone?" He questioned, gesturing to the device in Harry's hand as he took a seat on the bed beside his fiancé.

Harry put the phone on loud speaker so that the irish voice could come through louder, not that he had really needed to, Harry had heard him perfectly fine without the added volume. Louis gave him an expression of realisation before slowly sipping his tea, chuckling quietly at Niall's wide range of fierce vocabulary. Harry just sighed with a small smile, he knew exactly how Niall was feeling, they both couldn't believe how quickly the situation had escalated, he could only imagine what Liam was going through. After having seen the articles written the night before, he couldn't even begin to believe what Zayn had done. That plus, no one could get a hold of him, they'd been trying most of the morning but had heard nothing back, Harry had even messaged Gigi but to no avail.

"You alright Niall mate?" Louis greeted quickly into the phone once the Irish lad had finally taken a short break to catch his breath. A broken chuckle sounded in response through the speaker before a loud huff followed.

"Yeah, just can't believe it's come to this honestly." Niall said defeatedly and Harry could just picture him rubbing at his face in hopes of draining the worry from his mind. They weren't just upset with Zayn's behaviour, they were also so concerned, they had no way of knowing if he was okay, or if he was even safe and they wouldn't until Zayn finally came back around.

"It's gunna be alright lad, he's a big boy, he's just going through a tough time. He might just need a little while to get his head together." Louis assured, trying his best to comfort their mate. Harry couldn't stop the warm smile that spread across his face at Louis' words because he loved seeing the older mans softer side, and the words he had spoken were just so sweet and very much needed. But that was just Louis, he was like everyone's very own superman, always had the right words to say, the best advice to give, it made Harry love him all the more.

"I fucking hope so." Niall exasperated, "Honestly when I get my hands on him I swear-" Harry looked down at the phone screen and frowned.

"I know Ni, I'm feeling the same way but we can't do much right now, like Lou said, he needs time." Harry comforted but was feeling a little worse for wear himself, all he desperately wanted was for Zayn to just give them any kind of sign that he was okay. He was at a loss, he had no idea what else they could do. "How's Li?" He questioned, trying to change the subject before he got upset again. He also had been really worried about the man, Harry had never seen Liam so upset, apparently neither had Louis, he was just always so bright and happy, but everyone could see how badly this whole thing had hit him, it was slowly eating away at him.

"Not good to be honest." Niall sighed, his tone lacking the heat it held only moments ago, it was much softer now. "He's been cooped up in his room since we saw the first article, he says he fine but I can see him spiralling. I just can't believe that Zee's let it go this far!"

Harry hummed in agreement as he let his gaze wander over to the window opposite him, the skies were a little grey and stormy but they calmed him slightly. He just hoped that the sun would break through later in the day so that they could take Doris and Ernie to the park like they had promised. "I just wish he would listen." Harry mumbled, turning to face Louis when he felt a familiar hand intertwine with his own.

"Let's just focus on the now, we'll keep trying to contact Zee while Nialler, could you look out for Li lad? I don't know where his heads at right now but I'd rather not have him disappearing on us too." Louis stated calmly, letting some of the tension Harry had been carrying slip away. The blue eyed man looked over at his fiancé for a moment to see Harry nod in agreement to the plan before he looked back down at the phone.

"Yeah, think it's best if I'm here. I'll ask someone to swing by mine to check and see if Zee's there but I wouldn't count on it." Niall replied easily but he let out a deep breath before continuing, "I'll keep you both updated then, yeah? Let me know if you hear anything either."

"Will do Ni." Harry reassured, "Hope things go okay with Li, if you need something just call, okay?"

"I will Haz, just hopin' that they work things out sooner rather than later." Niall sighed. The call soon ended after the trio had given their goodbyes, promising to text if they heard anything.

"Breakfast?" Louis suggested with an uplifting smile. Harry could only chuckle lightly at him before nodding and pulling his fiancé up off the bed, out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Things would be okay, as long as he had Louis.

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