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I'm downstairs watching tv when Oliver joins me.

I'm invested in the tv talking about the Peter Declan case.

"Couldn't sleep either?" I ask Oliver.

"No," he replies, "What are you watching?"

"Peter Declan," I tell him.


"The guy who killed his wife," I remark turning to him, seeing he's still confused.

"Right," I sigh. "This guy killed his wife in their baby's room, dodgy case if you ask me."

I turn back to the tv in time to see Peter Declan give a statement, "Camille was everything to me. I couldn't kill her any more than I could kill myself."

I really feel for the guy, personally I think he's innocent. Just now when he talked about his wife I could see the love he has for her, it's real and raw. I can't picture him killing her but what do I know.

Turning back to Ollie, I ask "So why can't you sleep?"

"Bad dreams," he replies, eyes stuck to the tv.

"About?" I ask.

"Laurel," he replies.

It's always Laurel, I was shocked about everything that went down between them but after Tommy I fully understand.

"So why don't you make a play?" I ask. "I mean she did come over here just to make sure you didn't get shot."

"There are reasons," he replies, looking at me.

"And what are they?" I ask.

"Besides you sleeping with her sister and her sister dying and her father hating your guts and you basically being a jerk to everyone since you've been back," adds Thea, coming into the room and sitting in the couch with us.

"Those are the top ones," Ollie laughs.

"I know that it might not seem like it sometimes, but..." he speaks, taking a breath. "I'm not the same person I used to be."

"So show her," I reply.

"Yeah, be yourself, I mean your new self," adds Thea.

Ollie looks deep in though so I turn to Thea and ask her how her night was.

"Boring," she replies, with a sigh.

"Maybe that's a good thing," I tell her.


The next morning I'm sat in the living room watching the news with my mother Moira and some random guy stood by the door, I think he's a bodyguard but I don't know.

"How did you sleep?" Moira asks Oliver, as he walks into the room.

"Just fine. Thank you," Oliver replies, noticing the guy at the back of the room.

"We have a visitor," he states, confused.

"Mr. Diggle's replacement," Moira replies.

"Replacement," Oliver reply's, looking peeved.

"Yes. He tendered his resignation this morning," Moria says, looking up at Oliver.

"Why would he resign?" I ask. "Also I was wondering why there was some strange guy in our house, I guess that answers that."

"Guess it does," replies Ollie, with a chuckle looking to our mother. "Did he say why?"

"Something about not approving of the way you spend your evenings, particularly given that they always begin with you ditching him," Moira replies, sipping her tea.

"I don't know if I should be happy or not about not being assigned a bodyguard," I laugh.

"Happy, definitely happy," Ollie replies.

"I can always get you one," adds Moria.

"No thank you," I speak, getting up from the couch.

"I'm going out," I call after me before leaving the house.


My first stop Starling University, it took all of five minutes to get into a meeting with the Dean. I guess it pays to be a Queen.

"Ah, Ms Queen," the Dean says, as I take my seat across from her. "What can I do for you today."

"I was wondering about finishing my degree," I tell her.

She looks through a file on her desk before speaking, "Ah, yes. The criminal justice degree, it says here you dropped out with only six weeks left."

"I was going through a lot..."

"Of course," she replies, with a polite smile. "I'll have to talk to the teacher but I'm sure we can come to come sort of agreement."

After the university I made my way to Sara's grave.

"Your never going to guess what I did today," I chuckle taking my usually seat on the grass beside her grave.

"I decided to finish my degree," I tell her. "The Dean just needs to approve me but it's looking like I'm heading back to college."

"She would be proud of you." I stand up to find Sara's father Quentin Lance.

"Matter of a fact, I am as well," he beamed, coming forward and giving me a hug.

"Thanks," I reply.

"Now you can become a cop," he laughs.

"I'd probably make a lousy cop," I reply.

"Nonsense," he says, smiling.

We spend the next few hours sitting at Sara's trading our favourite stories about her.

After leaving Quentin at Sara's grave I make my way to Big Belly Burger to meet Tommy. I told him to meet me so we could finally clear the air.

"Hey," he spoke, as I take my seat across from him.

"Hey," I reply.

"Can I take your orders," a waitress named Carly asks.

"Two specials," I respond, without having to look at the menu.

"Coming right up," she says, before walking off.

"I guess it's time we finally talk," I say to Tommy, with a chuckle.

"I guess so," he responds, looking somewhat sad.

"I'm sorry."

"Me too."

"It was my fault, I freaked," I tell him sincerely.

"So did I," he responds, laughing. "I've moved on and gotten over it."

"So... friends?" I ask, hopefully.

"Friends," he agrees.

"No sex this time," I tell him.

"Fine, no sex."

The waitress comes back with our food and we enjoy our meal in silence.

Afterwards Tommy drives me home.

"Goodnight," he smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

I run upstairs to my room, Tommy Merlyn never leaving my thoughts.

Why does he have to be so perfect, so damn perfect. He's going to make some girl very happy one day, that girl is just never going to be me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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