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I woke up to find policing bring Thea home. Apparently her and some of her friends got drunk last night and broke into a store to try on dresses, it sounds like something I would have done at her age expect I had Sara to keep me in check, some what.

I'm sat on the couch beside Thea, reading a magazine while Walter and Moira sort out the situation.

I'm totally engrossed in the magazine until Walter shows the officers out. Time to see how Thea gets away with this.

"Last time it was public intoxication. This time breaking and entering. My, how we are moving up in the criminal world," Moria says to Thea, clearly disappointed.

Standing up from the couch, Thea replies "When you pay off the store owner you should check out the merchandise. They got some pretty killer outfits."

"Honestly Thea, do you want to end up like..." Moira trails off looking at me, clearly was was going to say end up like me. I just sigh and flip through my magazine.

"Thea, go get ready for school," she speaks, done with the conversation.

"Uh, you know, I was thinking of taking a sick day," Thea replies, without any care.

"Fine, then get some rest," Moira sighs.

Thea cockily walks out of the room, as Oliver enters.

"Well, that went well," I comment looking up from my magazine.

"You're letting her play hooky," Oliver states walking in.

"When your sister gets like this, it's best to give her some space," Moira reply's, exasperated.

"She's testing you," adds Oliver.

"Yes. Who'd see learn that from?" Moira asks.

"Clearly us, the problem children," I sigh.

"Mom. When I was her age, you let me get away with murder. Looking back... I could have used less space and more parenting," Oliver reply's, a bit upset before walking out.

"Well I enjoyed my space," I tell Moira, before leaving the room myself.


After that pleasant quality family time I made my way to Sara's grave.

Sitting down beside her grave, I start to spill my heart.

"So, Thea's becoming a mini Oliver and Me. I feel like as the older sibling I should do something, but I don't know what. At her age I was happy to do whatever I wanted, at least I had you to pull me back from doing anything crazy," I sigh, feeling myself cry.

"Maybe she just needs a friend?" I ask. "Someone to be a good influence. I suppose that job falls to me and Oliver."

Sighing I get up and place a kiss on Sara's grave before leaving.

Talking to her grave can be therapeutic, but I wish I had the real Sara here to give me answers. I mean should I try to be a good influence? Would she even respond to me trying to be good for her sake, or would she just laugh. If I was her I'd laugh, I mean your older fuck up of a sister trying to be a responsible adult after 24 years of life.


Don't even ask me why I agreed to go clubbing with Oliver and Tommy, maybe I was feeling sentimental trying to relive the old days or maybe I'm just plain stupid.

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