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The next morning I'm sat at Sara's grave like I am every morning, talking to the her. I know it's silly, I'm here talking to an empty grave but it's therapeutic.

"So I saw Tommy yesterday, you would have totally kicked him ass," I laughed. "He invited himself to dinner and even tried apologising to me. You would have loved the awkwardness though, making jokes all throughout dinner. And when Oliver found out about Mom and Walter," I chuckled.

"You would have totally make an inappropriate joke and you probably would have spent the whole meal flirting with Ollie," I tell the grave, feeling a tear slip down my eye.

"I just don't know what to do about Tommy," I sigh. "You would have gave me the best advice. We used to be friends, we even loved each-other at one point, where did it all go wrong?" I ask, feeling a few more years drop.

"I know, I know, I have to be civil for Oliver's sake, they have been best friends forever."

After a few moments of silence I finally decide to let my feelings out.

"Why did you get on the Gambit that day?" I ask the grave. "When I found your note telling me you left with him and you'd see me in a few days, I'll admit I felt betrayed. I wondered how my best friend could go off with my brother like that," I cry.

"Then I realised you liked him forever, and your my family so I got over it but then the Gambit went down and I'll admit I was furious at you for leaving and I was even more angry at Ollie for taking you with him, why couldn't he have just been a good boyfriend? After a lot of thinking and some time, I realised you died following your heart and I couldn't be mad at you for that now could I? When all I ever did was tell you to follow your heart," I was now full on crying.

I sit at the grave in silence for a few hours, drinking a glass of Whiskey and pouring one out for her. We used to always rob my dads Whiskey and get drunk, and ultimately make stupid decisions but that was just who we were. Free spirited, always trying to have fun and live life to the fullest and she did that.


When I return home later that day I found Detective Lance questioning Oliver.

"Yeah. It's funny, isn't it? One day back, and already somebody's gunning for you. Aren't you popular?" The detective sneered, as I enter the room.

"We're you able to identify the men?" Moira asked.

"What's going on?" I mouth to Oliver, who just shakes his head.

I leave the room and wait by the door for them to finish up.

"Hey, detective," I said to Mr Lance as she reaches me.

"How are you?" He asks, bringing me into a hug. "I saw you leaving her grave earlier."

"Don't worry about me," I remarked with a wave of my hand. "How are you doing with everything?"

"As good as I can," he replies.

"It will get better," I say opening the front door for him and his partner.

"Thank you," he replies with a nod before leaving.

"What was that?" I ask, walking over to Oliver and Tommy.

"A long story," replies Oliver.

"I got time."

He goes into detail, telling me how he and Tommy were kidnapped and then rescue by a man in a green hood.

I honestly was shocked, not even a week home and Oliver's already being targeted. It made me worry for his wellbeing. I just got him back, I couldn't lose him again.


"Everybody, hey! Man-of-the-hour," Tommy shouts into the crowd and everybody cheers. "Whoo! And, ladies, please give this man a proper homecoming."

"Ah Tommy Merlyn always so classy," I laugh, raising my glass to him.

"Thank you very much, everybody!" Ollie cheers, joining Tommy.

"Ollie, Ollie, Ollie, Ollie," Tommy chants, handing my brother a shot.

"I missed Tequila," Ollie shouts into the crowd, downing his shot.

I walk to the bar and order my self a glass of champagne, after spending a solid ten minutes at the bar I spot Thea beside Oliver and Tommy so make my way over.

"Uh, I'm not 12 anymore," I hear Thea complain, as I get closer.

"Not 21 either," I stated.

"No your 17," adds Oliver.

"As if either of you were better, Ollie you can't just come back here and judge me. And honestly Avalon you can't judge anyone after what you did," she argued looking from me to Tommy.

"Oh shut it," I hiss, glaring at her.

"I know that it couldn't have been easy for you when I was-away," replies Oliver.

"Away?" Thea chuckles, "No. you died. My brother and my father died. I went to your funerals."

"I know," Ollie replied.

"No, you don't. Mom had Walter, Avalon was a mess... but at least she had -" she shakes her head, and I glare at her. "I had no one. You guys all act like it's cool, let's forget about the last five years. Well, I can't. For me, it's kind of permanently in there, so I'm sorry if I turned out some major disappointment, but this - me, is the best I could do with what I had to work with."

"Nobody's forgot Thea, we simply want... no need to move past it," I tell her before walking off.

For the rest of the night I find myself attached to the bar, downing drink after drink. Trying to forget every bad about life. In my drunken state I find myself going home with the one person I should be avoiding, Tommy Merlyn, the man himself.

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