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The next morning, I woke up to a strange man standing at the foot of my bed. I had just woke up, so I was giving my eyes time to adjust, but this man looked exactly alike, Ethan. He smiled at me, as I wiped my eyes. He looked over at Bailey, who was still sound asleep.

"Wake your sister up, and be downstairs in five minutes!" His sweet looked changed almost instantly, he raised his voice, and nearly startled Bailey.

"Who in the hell is yelling this early? It is nearly six in the morning," Bailey exclaimed, looking at her phone next to her bed, on her table.

"I think he is the right-hand man of dad, I use to always see him picking dad up," I explained, removing the covers off of me.

Bailey and I got dressed quickly, as we raced each other downstairs. The strange man was standing next to the door, waiting for us. We all looked at each other, waiting for the next move, and that is when Aiden walked downstairs.

"He's coming too?" Bailey asked the man. "What is your name, you have not even told us yet?" Bailey and I asked at the same time, about that time Aiden was next to us.

"His name is Samuel, let's go!" Aiden was furious, I am assuming he heard Bailey asking about him. Bailey and Aiden are close, but recently they have not even been speaking to each other. Hopefully, at the end of the day, they could make up and forget all this nonsense.

Samuel opened the door and we followed each other like ducklings, not knowing what was ahead of us. We walked to Samuel's car and all climbed in the back seat, sitting shoulder to shoulder. He cranked up the car, and we took off. It was complete silence, the entire ride. Bailey and Aiden sat next to the window, and I was the one in the middle separating the two of them. After riding for about 30 minutes, I realized I had to find out where we are going. Did dad approve of this? Or did he know anything about it? Many questions ran through my mind until I gained the courage to end the silence.

"Mr. Samuel, where are you taking us? Does our dad know about this?" I asked, stopping the silence. He looked in the rearview mirror at us and began to speak.

"Call me Samuel, Mr. makes me feel old. Your dad told me to bring you to him. In about 20 minutes, you all will find out everything there is to know," he replied, keeping his eyes on the road, getting on the interstate.

I had no idea where we were heading. We just found out about dad's pirates, and maybe now this will be the first time we saw their headquarters. Twenty minutes flew by quickly, as we arrived at a gate. It was a huge silver gate with a massive lock holding it shut. Samuel got out of the car and unlocked the gate. Aiden got out of the car to help him open the gate. The gate was enormous, it took both of them to pick up the gate and push it open. Once the gate was open, they both got back in the car and we drove through the gate. I did not have the window seat, so I leaned on Bailey's side or propped up in the middle. The driveway was a straight paved road, the trees were so tall that I could not see the clouds. I looked behind us and the gate was closed shut again. That is weird, I thought to myself.

"Here we are guys, your dad's hideout, and his empire all in one," Samuel informed us.

"Just follow me, so you don't get lost," he added, opening the door for us, we stepped out and stretched a minute, before entering the Pirate Bay Empire. The name of the massive castle-like was in stone, it has been here for years or more.

If we were brought here, I hoped our dad would be here too. It would make sense if this is where he comes all the time. This place is secluded and sketchy, but I feel like I have been here before, almost like a second home to me. It looked scary, but on the inside, I somehow felt safe.

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