Frosty power couple

Start from the beginning

The Snow Queen glided around all the attacks thrown at her as Ladybug and Cat Noir tried getting past her. "Tsk tsk this is quite boring," She said. "Sorry ms. Frosty if were boring you. How about we heat things up?" Cat Noir asks and finally hit Snow queen. She was hit into the desk and two large books fell on her head knocking her out cold and the two Parisian Superheroes ran after Ice Emperor.

Jay had been backed into the cafeteria by the ice emperor's stupid frost zombies. He kicked them away and used what was on the lunch menu for today throwing food at most of them. The ice emperor shot blasts at him as well. Jay was running out of amo and it was gonna be soon before he might resort to using his powers.

"Why aren't you getting the miraculous or those kids?! What does a stupid crystal have to do with anything?"

Hawkmoth asked. "In time you will understand," Ice emperor said.

The Frost Zombies were closing in and Jay was panicking. "Oh well nin," He began before a yo-yo wrapped around him and pulled him out the nearby window. "Sorry but bug out," Ladybug said and swung off with Jay clutching onto her for dear life. "Find them! Search all of Paris! And get me more people to frost," Ice emperor orders his frost zombies who did as told.

Meanwhile Ladybug had caught up with cat Noir and stopped at a roof top building. "So what's in the bag?" Cat Noir asks. "Nothing," Jay said holding it protectively. "Then why do they want it? And why do they keep asking for a crystal?" Ladybug asks. Jay bit his lip thinking of a quick lie. "Pixel has this good luck charm it's a crystal. She carries it around everywhere and it's really important to her family or something. I took it one time and she kind of blames me every time it goes missing because it freaks her out when she doesn't have it," Jay said in a sort of ramble. The two heroes exchange a glance. "Then you wouldn't mind us looking in the bag?" Ladybug asks. "Yes I would mind," Jay replies stubbornly. "Give us the bag now," Cat Noir said. "No it's mine," Jay said. Cat Noir and Jay started wrestling for the bag and while this was happening Lloyd's bracelet fell out of Cat Noir's pocket with a metallic.


Jay's eyes widen at the sight of the bracelet. "Where did you get that?!" Jay asks. "I found it.....after you got akumatized at the arcade. Yeah it was shiny and you know how cats like shiny things. I was gonna give it back, but then I was gonna transform back and there was no time," Cat Noir lies. Jay raises a eyebrow clearly not entirely convinced. Jay had over heard Lloyd talking to Zane about helping him find the bracelet before Kai realized he had lost it. "Well it belongs to Lloyd so I'll just be taking it," Jay said and reached out to grab it. "Wait," Cat Noir began when Jay picked it up. Cat Noir was shocked as Jay spun it on his finger before putting it in his bag. "Lloyd's been freaking out about this since he lost it," Jay said. Before Cat Noir could say something about how Jay didn't get that painful energy a loud blast was heard. "You stay here," Ladybug orders than she and Cat Noir left to take care of the two frost villains.

"Hey! I can do things myself," Jay yelled. The two heroes did not look back though and Jay grumbles sitting down on the roof of the building.

Ladybug and Cat Noir arrived at the ice rink roof and looked through to see that the frost zombies were bringing in more innocent people for the frosty couple to turn to frost zombies. The Snow Queen and Ice Emperor we're sitting on thrones made from ice and both smiled as they turned people into frost zombies. "The akuma must be in the staff the Ice Emperor is holding," Ladybug said. "But how are we supposed to get close? They have eyes everywhere," Cat Noir said. Ladybug thought. "Let's see if my lucky charm has a idea," Ladybug said. She summons her lucky charm and caught it from the air finding a screw driver? "What am I supposed to do with this?" She asks.

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